- In this heartwarming comedy, Ebenezer Scrooge, a humbug of a debt collector, faces an unusual and virtual journey of his own Christmases past, present and future, and the selfish choices he made, with the help of three Avatars and Zoom. On Christmas Eve in the era of Covid, Scrooge must conduct his business of collecting debts remotely. He hates the plummeting stock market, the disruption to the economy, the surge in liberalism, and most of all...Christmas. That evening, his dead partner Marley logs into his chat room to threaten him with visitations from three Avatars...no, not the blue aliens from the movies, but representations of Christmases past, present and future. Alexa, the Avatar of Christmas past, pulls up old videos of Scrooge as a child, while Chris Present hacks their way into the Cratchit's Christmas Dinner and his nephew's Christmas party, revealing what they really think about him. But it is Anonymous, the Avatar of Christmas Future, who shows Scrooge a chilling vision of Christmases yet to come, if Scrooge doesn't change his way. These beloved characters from Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol come to life in this socially distanced and heartwarming adaptation.—Pamela Morgan
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