Many churches, while being involved in local and foreign mission projects, spend much of their financial resources maintaining the home church and its own buildings and programs. Learning that FBC Leesburg members voted not to build a new and needed sanctuary but instead to focus on helping the homeless and desperate people in their city reveals the heart of the pastor and his flock. Having been to the church and seen them myself, the buildings are old, worn, and in terrible need of repair and replacement. A new sanctuary would surely have been a real blessing to the congregation, yet they chose to focus not on their own needs but on the needs of others. This fact alone is quite inspiring and compels one to examine what is really important in life.
Often, seeing God's work is not so easy, as HIs actions occur over weeks, months, or years. Via this movie, we get to see His work in a bit under two hours, and we get to see how the elements of His plan came together in order to radically change the lives of a few real characters shown in the movie not to mention so many others since then. As shown during the closing credits, the ministry has expanded far beyond its original plan, and this shows God had a bigger purpose in mind and more than originally imagined. This is so often true in the lives of people who trust and follow Jesus.