This six part Polish series, based on the book by Harlan Coben, is set some months after a young man died of an apparent drug overdose. His mother blames his friend Adam. Adam's parent suspect something is wrong with him and his friends are pressuring him not to talk about something... then he disappears. Meanwhile a pair of kidnappers, a man and a woman, are snatching women off the streets.
I thought this was a solid thriller series. As one would expect in a story by Harlan Coben there are some nice twists before we learn just what has happened. There is plenty of tension, especially in scenes involving the kidnappers; the man is particularly unpleasant. The setting is impressive with the parents' homes in a modern, wealthy neighbourhood contrasting with the rundown areas where their children go to hang out. The acting is pretty solid throughout. Overall I'd recommend this to fans of previous adaptations of Haran Coben's books.
These comments are based on watching the series in Polish with English subtitles.