The story unfolds with the main character, 25-year-old Miu Komaru, who lives on the outskirts of Fukuya City. Miu, who is single and cares for her grandfather Goro, works at the city hall bu... Read allThe story unfolds with the main character, 25-year-old Miu Komaru, who lives on the outskirts of Fukuya City. Miu, who is single and cares for her grandfather Goro, works at the city hall but is isolated, and the only person who can snuggle up is Koji Mano, who works at the same ... Read allThe story unfolds with the main character, 25-year-old Miu Komaru, who lives on the outskirts of Fukuya City. Miu, who is single and cares for her grandfather Goro, works at the city hall but is isolated, and the only person who can snuggle up is Koji Mano, who works at the same office. One day, Mano commits suicide from the roof of the city hall, but it was the death... Read all