This film is the direct sequel to "LEGO The Mandalorian: Trouble Wif' Daddy" in the form of a parody of "The Mandalorian: Season 2," and is intended to set up future installments in the director's original adventure series while staying true to the general Star Wars lore. Future installments will have a more serious and less raunchy tone than this one.
Unlike the first film, this one will be uncensored and quite vulgar. The director considered keeping within the milder tone of the first, but decided against this, mostly due to the entire being of Moff Gideon's parody character, and from there he decided to go all out. However, references will be made that indicate that future installments will not be as explicit, but humorous nonetheless.
The original voice actor for Moff Gideon was intended to be Byrant Moreland, more widely known as EDP445, and his lines were written pertaining to his normal charisma. However, following the allegations around spring of 2021, the director decided not to move forward with the idea, and selected one of his friends from his college dorm, whom he believed could equivocally perform the role well.
The original title of the film was intended to be "LEGO The Mandalorian: Trouble Wif' Daddy Part II." However, after revealing the title card on his channel community page, JDiddy Productions, a fan, commented in jest, "Daddy Strikes Back." It wasn't till months later that the director turned to this as a legitimate title option, as he was feeling unsatisfied with the current one. Although this film is a direct sequel to the first part, it can be regarded as its own separate film due to its vastly different nature and overall pacing; and "Daddy Strikes Back" seemed like a perfect title to convey this theme.
An alternate scene for Mando's face reveal (in this LEGO series, anyhow) would have revealed that he possesses an absolutely ridiculous face for comedic value, but the director decided later on in the second draft to not move forward with this idea, as it would have ruined the mood that he intended to be rather serious and somber. He still adds a comedic and fourth wall type touch at the end, merely seconds before Luke departs with Grogu.