They were so close to making a really enjoyable film, however, there are few things about this movie that are not good, here they are some examples:
- There was so much potential with landscape horror but it was never delivered, even though they clearly tried. The continues upshot of the landscape is not gonna do something on its own. They did that for what feels like 10 times during this movie as if I am supposed to feel anything, I didn't.
- The characters are not likable, in some movies this is no issue, but in this movie it feels not intentional. It feels like the writers didn't put enough attention to the characters.
- The jumpscares are pathetic. I try not to use dramatic wording while trying to review something but this is a crime that the director did. Blasting noise out of nowhere every 15 minutes is not how you do good horror. At some point the audio clips during a jumpscare which threw me right off as well.
I am so sad for this movie, I wish people would put a little more hard work and time. Especially when they are clearly creative and have a great concept on hand but oh well...