This was interesting and I think continues this conversation about the world not believing woman.
It's insane for me that people don't believe this illness is real? To me it's just common sense, if something is leeching slowly into your body of course it is going to make you ill? It's a foreign body. So it's crazy to see doctors just deny it.
So the subject is interesting and unique and Michelle is very "exposed" and open in this. But the production was a little crunchy.
It had lots of stock footage and images. Like they are talking about someone wearing a purple cardigan, it's not a crucial detail but they decided to have a picture of a random purple cardigan that I'm 100% sure is going to be in the first 10 Google imagine search results. I don't love WOW. I think they can be a little cheap with things. Just a little more polish would have been great.
Also Jesus Christ that man at the end made my skin crawl. Dr Rose or what ever he was called. Ugh.