This is Paul Ellis and Allison Baxter's first recorded episode of this show where they are deciding what to review first. As you'll hear there are a lot of, shall we say, challenges throughout.
After some lengthy - er, discussion Allison and Paul decide to get rid of some stuff. Pared down to just a few things can they agree on what stays and what goes?
Allison and Paul originally decided to compare beer vs. wine but things took a bit of a turn when Paul decides to change things up. And Coral is about to pull their hair out.
Since Allison and Paul can't decide on a date without it evolving into an argument, they have the listeners decide where they should go on their next date. The suggestions are rather - interesting.
The vanity is falling apart in Allison and Paul's bathroom and Allison is confident she can build a new one from scratch. Paul believes she can build a new one - from Ikea.
In the final between season bonus episode, Allison invites her BFF Beyza to join in on discussing - well, whatever they end up (or avoiding) discussing.