You can see the latest sci-fi or action movie...and leave with an adrenaline rush. But when was the last time it had a lasting effect?? Everyone loves a great movie...especially a movie with a twist. Wow...all I can say is POW-WOW-ERFUL MOVIE!!! A must see. You will NOT regret seeing this movie. I promise you it's not some hokey sub-quality Jesus-flick. The message of what Fatherhood is at every stage in every way good and bad...absent or present. I will first say ALL MEN SHOULD SEE THIS MOVIE. have kids, especially sons...this is a movie you need to see. Wives...give your husbands a night out with this movie. All couples should see this movie. Okay...everyone who has had a dad (all of us) need to see this movie. Saw this tonight with my wife Caroline and a bunch of friends...and wow...a bunch of us stayed in the theater room after to talk about it and pray for our families.