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Slow...but well done
davidhoque9 October 2023
Based on Michael Farris Smith's celebrated novel, Some audience critics like me call it a "slow burn". That it is, however I think the story was directed as well as it could have been. It was not a disappointing movie though. The story and the acting kept my attention and it was splendid all the way through.

Garret Hedlund, reminds me of a young Sam Elliot and and Willa Fitzgerald are both seasoned actors and did a darn good job staying true to the characters as written. Mel Gibson was in a supporting role in this movie and didn't steal the limelight. He is such a good actor and consummate professional.

. It's not an action movie. It's a story of broken people trying to find their way in life. People that don't have a lot of material means. I highly recommend a viewing.
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A Worthy Film
bryanmartin-1975926 October 2023
Sometimes when you've lost everything, you have nowhere to go but up. Other times when you've lost everything, you just want to get to the next day. This film is deep. Two people from different lives that end up intersecting in the depths of bad times. The story telling is natural, pulls you in. It's hard to find the bad guy because everyone is hurting. Regret, attempts toward redemption, the support of family because they truly love you. Lots of stages of life shown here. Lots of coping with poor choices and attempts to find a new way. Attempts to reconcile wherever you are right now. This film has some deep feelings and heartfelt dialog mixed in with some gritty action. Great acting, excellent directing, and just the right amount of musical score. A good film that should be given a chance.
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Words Have Power If You Mean Them
TheAnimalMother29 January 2024
This doesn't have too many votes yet, but it's a 5.7/10 on here so far. That's just crazy to me! Perhaps many of the people who've rated this film so far, have entirely forgotten, or perhaps never even realized, that they indeed are miracles.

This is a more thoughtful film than most, which in some regard revolves around fate and the human circumstance.

"It's like you wakeup one day, and you're just here. Like a stone, thrown into this world, but you don't know who threw it, or which direction it came from." - Maben

I would say it mostly revolves around two characters who have been through a lot of pain and struggle, and who are somewhat desperately trying to right their own paths.

"Maybe there will be a miracle, some way to begin again." - Maben

Not so sure why they're marketing this as an action genre film. Not a smart choice in my view. It's really not an action film overall. It's mostly a drama/thriller, and there are a few scenes with some action. In my view, marketing this as an action film will quite easily persuade some people to expect much more action than they should from it. And by doing this, the marketing team only sets some of these viewers up for at least some level of disappointment, because the expectation they set is not met. Some advice for the people behind this film, get a new marketing team for your next project. I'm certain there'd be less disappointed reactions if everyone just went into this film thinking that it was a drama/thriller, as it mostly is.

*** Partial Spoiler Below ***

This could be considered a film noir, however the end can't really be seen as dark in my view.

Garrett Hedlund (Russell) "I don't recall anything about no huntin' rifle in the New Testament."

Mel Gibson (Mitchell) "Well, you can only turn so many cheeks, and I only got four, so..."

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southern noir
SnoopyStyle22 November 2023
Struggling single mom Maben (Willa Fitzgerald) and her young daughter Annalee return to their home town in the deep south. She tries prostitution at the nearby truck stop when she's picked up by a sheriff deputy. The deputy rapes her and calls for his friends. She manages to steal his gun and shoot him dead. Meanwhile, Russell (Garrett Hedlund) is released from prison and goes home to his father Mitchell (Mel Gibson).

I hate that one giant coincidence in the middle of this movie. It could be lessen if he's the one who spots her first. I do love the gritty southern noir style atmosphere. The actors do good work. I'm even fine with Mel in this one. Ryan Hurst is impressively unhinged. The movie is a bit too long at almost two hours and it's stretched too far after the climax. This is very good except for those two issues.
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Slowburning, bleak portrait of a couple struglling to get by.
imseeg7 October 2023
The good: real fine quality actors who do carry this story about a young poor couple (she a prostitue, he an ex-prisoner) struggling to make their marriage work, with a young daughter caught in between all the upheaval that a life with a mother as a prostitute brings with it.

Kinda bleak and somewhat sad and depressing as well, but simultaneously a real gritty life portrait of two young lovers struggling to get by.

Any bad? Beware that Mel Gibson only has got a small supporting role as a father for a few minutes. So this is definitely NOT a Mel Gibson movie. The other actors are fine though, so no problem with that, but...

However good the actors are, this drama fails to become truly gripping. It's more of a bleak and slowburning portrait than a gripping drama. I was missing some spark and punch...

But that's about my only gripe I can think of, besides the soundtrack being a bit too obtrusive and present all the time as if we as viewers dont know WHEN a scene is dramatic without this bombastic soundscore droning on constantly in the background.

Not great, but certainly not bad at all either. A gritty and bleak portrait of a young couple struggling with life, probably best suited for the more patient art house movie fans.
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It was fine, nothing more. Could have been better.
Steve99209 October 2023
1 hour 50 which should have been cut to 1 hour 30. The weakness was not in the production, or acting, or even the script. It was let down by an at times, inconsistent, incoherent plot. Characters seemed to do a 180 degrees on their motivations and behaviours to each other, with no proper explanation. All got a bit messy, trying to tie plotlines together with coincidences and ambiguities.

Nevertheless, it passed the time, but may leave some viewers dissatisfied, whereas a quick rewrite and tidy up, could have resulted in a rock steady good old Southern drama. Mel G of course, just had to introduce elements of his religion, though they were not too intrusive, those not so inclined can easily dismiss them with a roll of the eyes.
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Grim slow-burn Southern noir.
a_chinn17 January 2024
Grim slow-burn Southern Noir is just too grim to enjoy or to enlighten. A down-on-her-luck single mom is hooking her way across the south going from truck stop to truck stop, daughter in tow, trying to get back home to Mississippi. When she's arrested and then assaulted by a dirty cop, she shoots him in self-defense and then goes on the run. As with most noir thrillers, things spiral downward from there. There are loads of secondary characters and subplots that probably worked for a novel but should have been eliminated or trimmed down for a film, which is probably a result of the novel's author adapting his work and not wanting to let anything go. However, in the film's favor, Willa Fitzgerald, who plays the hard-luck single mother, and who is a new actress to me is fantastic. Even though I felt somewhat distant from the material, she draws the audience into her character and is now an actress who I can't wait to see in more films. I also very much appreciated the look and style of the film and director Nadine Crocker's choice to focus on actors and atmosphere over showy camera stylistics, which is atypical of most neo-noirs. She too is someone who I want to see more of and plan to watch her one previous film. Mel Gibson is another standout, playing the religious father of a recently released ex-con. Overall, DESPERATION ROAD is well crafted and features some stellar dialogue by Michael Farris Smith, but is rather meandering, so unrelentingly grim it was hard to enjoy, and a slow-burn film that failed ever catch fire. Still, it's worth checking out.
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"I got to believe we can be forgiven."
nikkithechippp13 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Just like this movie, I'll start my review with the bad and end it with the good.

It was a little too mature for me. Some scenes were very uncomfortable to watch (though, I understand why they put them in). There were a lot of f-bombs dropped, and at times I was tempted to skip scenes because the movie was a bit slow.

Now for the good! The main message is about forgiveness and hope. It shows the horrible trials many people go through and the pain of causing someone else hurt. I also liked the scenes with Maben and Russell, call me a hopeless (or should I say hopeful) romantic, but I couldn't get enough of them. I liked how sweet Russell was with Annalee. There was a scene, short but so meaningful, where Annalee gets up and climbs on to Russell's lap, and he holds her close. *teary eyes* Back to Maben and Russell, I really wanted a kiss. Even just one on the cheek. *sigh* But I can't complain about the ending they gave. The narration was meaningful and overall, it was like the light after a storm.

"Low light."
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Acting almost overcomes the plot
antony-6915 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very tightly budgeted film. Very few actors, very few sets, minimal stunts or effects, short shooting schedule and the biggest money saver of all, no writers. Or at least, I assume there were no writers. It would be impossible to think that someone purposely wrote this plot and had it approved. It's utter nonsense. Spoiler filled synopsis incoming. You've been warned.

Drunk driver kills a guy in a wreck. Drunk goes to prison. Girl has guys baby and falls into destitution for reasons unknown, despite both girl and guy appearing to have perfectly good families. Girl becomes a prostitute leading to her getting arrested by an officer who then rapes her. Girl kills officer and goes on the run. Girl carjacks newly released convict. She doesn't recognise this stranger but can you guess who fate has brought to her? Guy killer helps girl who inexplicably appreciates his help and starts to fall in love. Dead guys alcoholic and suicidal brother tries to kill the ex-con, as revenge for losing his brother, and accidentally hurts girl. Ex-con's father, Mel Gibson, kills depressed drunk. Local police take this opportunity to frame drunk brother for dead rapist policeman's death. Then they all live happily ever after. Ex-con now replaces the boyfriend/father he kills. Murderer Mel Gibson becomes caring grandfather. We don't know what happens to the family of the murdered brother and previously killed innocent guy from the beginning as apparently no one cares.

The film ties itself up nearly as a happy ending but you just can't love these people. They're all just in a cycle of pain and death caused by the guy being pitched as the film's hero. Well acted madness.
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A bit cheesy, but wholesome overall
What-a-Punk14 November 2023
A simple, honest attempt to make a good movie.

I loved the overall idea and setup, sort of a countryside atmosphere, the views, the takes on questions of life and religion, the slow burn, thoughts on redemption - whole picture comes well together.

Characters felt natural and realistic, plenty likable ones to root for. The cast is perfect.

Story is probably the weakest aspect of the movie for me here. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't any clever or mysterios, or entangled (and I really feel like story is usually the most important part in a movie). Just simple straightforward plot with a cheesy twist. It could've been better if another path was chosen, a harder or more complicated one. But then, I guess, this wasn't the point of the movie. It seems that this movie aimed to be what it was.

I enjoyed it, I would describe it as simple and wholesome. Cruel, yet honest. Light, yet meaningful. It should leave a warm feeling after watching, if you let it sink in.

It might also be a good choice to fall asleep to.
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Oddly static
Leofwine_draca18 July 2024
DESPERATION ROAD is one of those southern screen dramas that I end up hating due to the pacing and lack of originality. It's a small scale family thing in which a woman and her daughter struggle to nagivate the usual difficult path, with deadbeats, small time gangsters and dropouts at every turn. The film is adequately shot in the great outdoors for the most part, but the script is senseless and the action is oddly static; very little transpires from beginning to end. Mel Gibson figures predominantly on the advertising, but he has only a small supporting role in this one and doesn't stand out at all.
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Pretty good
ofirshahak15 October 2023
I was surprised, as this one flew under the radar (at least for me) but I really enjoyed this flick.

It's slow burn of a movie with a decent grounded story and good directing. Excellent acting performances all around,

The cast offers excellent performances all around.

Willa Ford was very good at portraying the "damaged" mother. I wasn't familiar with Garrett Hedlund but he was excellent as the quite and remorseful antagonist.

I love Ryan Hurst since Remember the titans and Sons of Anarchy and he doesn't disappoint here Mel Gibson is good as the father and even the little girl is excellent and doesn't take you out of the movie (like it happens a lot).

I really recommend it if you want to experience an unassuming movie that punches above it's weight.
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very amazing film
saputriirma20 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Movie critics should be ashamed of themselves for what they review this movie and I don't think it's this movie. I think because they destroyed the movie and the critics one of them said this movie had no heart where it had to all heart .This movie was incredible. This was a definite great movie, and I don't consider many movies. Great I feel lately they have not been able with movies but this one well if you're expecting a shoot them up action movie then don't watch this because that's not what this is. This is a drama with some shooting involved in some action involved because then you're gonna think it's slow so if you're expecting gun fights, and all that you're gonna say oh, this movie is so slow but if you go in with not expecting anything like I did and start watching the movie I think you'll be blown away like I was. This movie is I cannot believe this movie did not do better and I cannot believe this movie was not. It's sad when a movie like this doesn't get much because I never even heard of it , but I really hope I see this movie any awards because it deserves it from the acting to the writing to the storytelling. It is simply perfect and I mean the acting across the board was incredible.

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Ruined By Incometent Directing
arfdawg-18 December 2023
Whoever directed this movie should never be trusted with making another film. EVER. It's so poorly directed you will want to pull your hair out.

It's slow as mollasses, with a horrible backing musical track that will drive you nuts., because it makes the movie seem even slower.

It's too bad Mel Gibsom continues to be forced to appear in these "C" pictures. He's got way more talent and it's wasted on garbage like this.

He seems to be making a ton of these low budget movies lately. Wish he would do a small, good, picture like "Dragged Across Concrete," which was so good I saw it three times!

It's really too bad he's teamed with really bad directors lately.
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Not desperate at all
bryangary6512 February 2024
Decent enough thriller, and much deserving of better current overall rating of 5.7

Garrett Hedland does a good job in the main male role, though the bigger name of Mel Gibson adds a bit of prestige to the film.

But the main acting honours goes to Willa Fitzgerald who reminds me a lot of Julia Garner which is no bad thing. Not for the first time Ryan Hurst is cast as the villain in the movie, which is getting a bit tiresome now

In summary though a good watch considering how quick the film was made (2 weeks) and probably on a cheap budget, and plenty of worse higher rated similar movies around so give it a shot.
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"Don't let the world own you, for what you think it owes you."
bombersflyup8 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Desperation Road is an okay to solid film, with a good cast, including Mel Gibson and Willa Fitzgerald who I've always liked since the "Scream" tv series, it's been a while though. The lead isn't exactly a good conduit however and it could definitely do without some of these characters and their scenes that are without sufficient backstory. Also only a miracle could find hope and salvation down desperation road, as this plot's otherwise too ridiculous that they come together like this. The strongest part of the film's Maben with her young daughter on the streets trying to survive each day as it comes.
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Very slow...
bernthharnesk9 April 2024
This movie was nothing more. I would almost say that it seems like the film was made out of sheer desperation. As if someone realized that this story had to be made into a movie. The reason I started watching the movie was actually Mel Gibson's merit. A little surprising that he lends his name to these productions made by an independent Producers. Now, Mel Gibson's character was not the main actor, he was seen for maybe 5 minutes in the whole movie, but it was still fun to see him. The other roles were played by actors I do not know and have not seen in any other films. The character Larry I never really understood how they managed to squeeze him into the script. Unnecessary character and the one who played Larry didn't do a good job either. Overall, this was a movie I could have done without.
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Sooooooooo slooooooowwwww and booooring
needbeat7 January 2024
The story could also be told in 30 minutes. But it is extended until it is no longer possible. Watching the seemingly endless scenes made me vacillate between aggression and laughter because it's just boring and you want to speed up the actors yourself. Was it written by a sloth?

I don't understand why Mel Gibson, who has made super exciting films like Apocalypto, Passion Christ, Hacksaw Ridge, ... as a producer, did not noticed this and helpded out. Is it only for the money???

Halfway through the movie it was already clear how everything is connected, you wait and wait until the protagonists realize it and finally act.

Unfortunately, the big old stars are no longer a guarantee of quality anywhere.
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Good story line..but it ends there...
bwestbroker21 August 2024
The thing most distracting to me was the extremely poor camera work. Might as well have just listened to this as a book on tape because most of the time I couldn't See anything! It was either so dark I could barely figure out who was in the shot or the camera appeared to be focused on the ceiling because whole conversations took place without me seeing who was on screen. Its really exhausting to try to follow a movie this chopped up and badly presented. In fact I'm wondering why it was even introduced to the public like this. It was like watching a kid play with his camera while attempting to tell a story.
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Just beautiful. Mel is the new Clint.
therealjaysmoke29 October 2023
Clint Eastwood for me is the master of drama. But I have this feeling that Mel Gibson will soon be taking the baton from him. He has been delivering some really amazing pictures. This was so beautiful. The story was adorable. The acting was great. The cinematography was ok. I honestly don't have anything to complain about.

It sure baffles me that this movie has such a low rating. I don't know what else anyone would want to see in this, that would lead them to give it anything less than 6.

Alot of times I had to stop myself from shredding tears. That should tell you how invested I was with this one.

If you love drama, twisted love story, fate, then this movie is for you.
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As expected with a novice director and writer
Xavier_Stone17 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those movies where the staff is just trying out and experimenting to see what works. Much like a chef opening up his first restaurant after finishing school. There are going to be some good parts, some bad parts but mostly the whole thing is unpolished.

The scenes are stitched together along with a back story that keeps coming up now and then to explain connections. Mel has about 20 lines in the entire film and yet is given a prominent photo on the poster and previews.

Quite a few mistakes and inaccuracies from law enforcement and a few characters just don't make a whole lot of sense in the film. A few 7 star reviews likely saying ignore the haters, this is a good film and so on. I think most reviewers will realize that within the first 10 minutes whether this film is worth it to continue or not. It's predictable from the outset and a simple straight forward story.

No mystery or real drama, zero tension. 2/10. Only good to see what doesn't work for the writers/directors to improve their skills next time.
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Southern Noir Drama
MillerK11228 October 2023
So be prepared to be pleasantly surprised... Garret Hedlund is maybe at his best in years as the ex-con Russel trying to make amends when he hurtled back into his past by the arrival of troubled young mother Maben (Fitzgerald) and her daughter.

Complicating things are run ins with Larry who is out for revenge (Hurst) as well as reconnecting with his ex wife Sarah ( Thomas) who is now re married ; which is actually really moving scene. Mel Gibson lends his star power to his brief yet effective screen time as Russels Dad. Complaints range mostly for the unnecessary heavy handed semotional score.
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Underrated Gem!!!
nightringer-7684018 October 2023
2nd time actor turned director, Nadine Crocker did well to adapt this novel by the same name. The film flowed like reading a novel. Each character has proper introduction into the story, so audience have the understanding of who they were. The characters were clearly drawn and the actors had a field day expressing themselves and drawn the like of Mel Gibson to be casted in it.

All the main characters were essential in the story line, the regretful anti hero, the survivalist mother, go with the flow wise father, angry big brother, loving brotherly friend, and all the supporting casts had their moments. If this story done on stage, it would draw heavy character actors to join.

Desperation Road is an underrated gem and a rare film. It's not an action flick, it's a life drama, very close to life drama. Things described in this film are true to life.
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I very rarely give a movie a 10 but this movie deserves it
eprusulis25 October 2023
Movie critics should be ashamed of themselves for what they review this movie and I don't think it's this movie. I think because they destroyed the movie and the critics one of them said this movie had no heart where it had to all heart .This movie was incredible. This was a definite great movie, and I don't consider many movies. Great I feel lately they have not been able with movies but this one well if you're expecting a shoot them up action movie then don't watch this because that's not what this is. This is a drama with some shooting involved in some action involved because then you're gonna think it's slow so if you're expecting gun fights, and all that you're gonna say oh, this movie is so slow but if you go in with not expecting anything like I did and start watching the movie I think you'll be blown away like I was. This movie is I cannot believe this movie did not do better and I cannot believe this movie was not. It's sad when a movie like this doesn't get much because I never even heard of it , but I really hope I see this movie any awards because it deserves it from the acting to the writing to the storytelling. It is simply perfect and I mean the acting across the board was incredible.
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Beautiful drama/thriller
rafcastro-922-71266415 October 2023
Slow burning southern noir film, that shows the struggle that endure different characters to overcome a tragedy, their journey to cope and forgive.

Great performances, especially of Garrett Hedlung and Willa Fitzgerald.

Very nice photography, especially the last third of the movie. Smart use of a minimalistic soundtrack that use beautiful strings motives. Notable use of L edition, that help to remark the inner dialogue of the characters and bonds their feelings with the viewer.

Don't trust the low rating, it's a beautiful well made movie, that with a thriller as an excuse, explores the drama and feelings of each of the characters.
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