I watched this film because I fell in love recentle with Cho Seung.
Saw him in recent work, Stranger, life,Sisyphus.
He got my attention for his cool playing of stranger en though it was his caracter to do he made me curious. His he always his way, also with
very scarse body language. I was delighted to discorver this wonderfull actor who coud express emotions and coud use his body so well.
Started lookin up his younger work and found Horse doctor with had me hooked also.
Now I found this early gem.
Especially I loved the use of the light in this film and the amazing fighting scenes, well performed by Cho Seung it was beautifully orchestrated.
The lead actress can express a lot withe her fine features and beautifull face. The chemistry between both was not that overwhelming but this is due tot the script.
This film I will not forget. End scene leaves you breathless.