Geez this could have been solid 9/10 show if not for that absolutely bananas theme. Naming the show "Now We Are Breaking Up" and then forcing that ridiculous plot point throughout with the main couple was just stupid. So much so that after 3 episodes I didn't even root for them anymore. Didn't care about their relationship and actually wished they would just END IT ALREADY and put the audience out of our misery.
But let me tell you about the redeeming points of this show. The costars! Choi Hee-Soo and and Kim Joo-hun made the hotter couple and I was invested in them from jump! Their relationship was beautiful and worthy of being the main storyline.
The other best friend (Misook) and her tragic storyline was compelling and well acted by all parties. Feeling sympathy for the villains in that arc was not in my life plan but they acted the hell outta their story.
Those two storylines gave me a full range of emotions that I expect of a good drama.
Even the rest of the office staff had my attention.
But i really need Song Hye-Kyo to stop fooling yall. The Glory was a role she was made to play. But after seeing her flat toned, repetitive cadenced, still and expressionless face in TWO supposed romance dramas, (this and Encounter) SHE. AIN'T. IT.
And Ki-Yong only gave me one believable line the whole show (Telling his mom "I said I loved her!" in episode 11 or 12) Otherwise I felt like I was watching an audition reel. I hated Both of them with those internal monologs that I guess were supposed to be poetic but sounded more like a metaphor word salad.
So yea, watch it and FF as much of the main couple as you can to save yourself the irritation.