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Interesting set up that is ultimately let down by weak writing
spmact5 August 2021
First, the positive. The animation and voice acting were great. It had an interesting set up and the world building was decent. That's about it.

The premise from the first movie had promise, but in the end it felt like the writing force things to happen they way they should in order to make the ending happen.

Batman is made to look weak and is constantly getting beaten throughout the two parts, but no one thinks to just kill him. The villains win a lot, until the script needs them to lose so the movie can end. The twist feels out of place, as does Batman's reaction to it.

This had potential, but was a let down in the end.
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I'm of two minds about this film...
jeremyfrydman10 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"I believe in Harvey Dent" - Batman The Long Halloween written by Jeph Loeb

I was waiting till I could watch parts one and two together to get the best experience and to judge them as a piece.

This first part of my review I'll leave with no spoilers and I'll explain my history with The Long Halloween.

In year 5 when I was 11, I first remember reading The Long Halloween in my school library. I remember distinctly that it was during year 5 because I chose to do my book report on The Long Haloween.

Obviously, being 11, what really drew me into the graphic novel was its artwork. I can still clearly remember drooling over Poison Ivy's thin black and green leaves covering a corrupted Bruce Wayne, The Joker's devilishly curved smile, The Riddler's skinny green suit, Batman's bulging muscles and Two Face's purple scars.

I'm sure I re-read The Long Halloween again when I was older but the only part of the book I seemed to remember was its ending and all the Joker scenes.

The biggest drawback I have of this set of films is its animation. With such gorgeous artistry as your source, it seems odd to me how cheap and flat both films look. The animation isn't terrible by all means but it could've been much better. My biggest complaint would be not taking Joker's incredible design from the graphic novel and instead, watering it down and subsequently making him look much less scary. Also, like Joker, Catwoman's design is pretty bad too, she isn't wearing her purple suit with the super-wide cat ears from the comic which is a shame because it's pretty memorable and would've made this Catwoman stand out from the many others we've seen in other Batman animated films.

As for telling a compelling story both films succeeded. I was really engaged throughout the entire story and the character arcs felt very complete. The changes made to the film aren't terrible since they give the story more closure, but, it is missing the ambiguous, dark, iconic ending that even I still remembered from a young age.

Harvey Dent's arc and natural transformation into Two-Face is handled with care and with patience a critique I had of Nolan's The Dark Knight where his transformation felt way too forced. The Long Halloween is most famous for being the best Two-Face origin story which I was reminded of watching these movies. I really loved what they did here and while Two-Face was already one of my favourite Batman villains these movies reminded me a lot of how great this character is.

With him being my favourite Batman rogue, I was disappointed to see The Riddler be completely cut from the films, but, he's just a tool in the greater picture of things so cutting him didn't really change the story I guess.

I also love how they depicted Bruce Wayne here, Bruce's inner turmoil, his longings, his pain, it all felt incredibly genuine. Bruce's discomfort with his father's decisions is my favourite aspect of the story.

Before I get into my thoughts on the changed ending, which includes spoilers, I want to say that to everyone reading this who hasn't seen the films, I do recommend you give them a watch, they're flawed sure, but especially if you haven't read the source material it's one of Batman's greatest stories brought to the screen with care and respect.

Alright now into my thoughts on the ending.


DC Animation loves to do the old bait and switch ending where they change the classic comic twist so the audience whos familiar with the source material won't see it coming. They did it in Batman Gotham By Gaslight, Batman Hush and they did it here too.

Well... actually... they technically didn't. See, the holiday murderer is still revealed to be Gilda Dent but she commits the murders for a completely different reason.

In the comic, she did it to help her husband because she believes that Harvey needed the help and here she did it because she was still in love with the son of Carmine Falcone, Alberto.

Unlike the other two examples I mentioned earlier, I don't think this change hurt the story at all. It makes sense and gives the story much more closure.

However, the comic ending to me is still far superior because of its loose ends. Batman and Gordon think they solved the mystery but the real perpetrator gets away scot-free, because it doesn't matter. It's a perfect and thematic ending that works so well.

Here, Batman solves the mystery and goes to talk to Gilda and the famous narration at the end of the comic is directed at the listening Batman instead of being a soliloquy.

Batman lets her go free which works great as an ending to his character arc and friendship with Harvey but, personally, I think it's more effective if Bruce truly believes that another of his friends is long gone and revealing that Gilda is the holiday killer gives a slim hope that we all can still believe in Harvey Dent.

Anyway, that's my thoughts on these two films. I personally enjoyed the first part a little more than the second, but yeah, thank you so much for reading guys. Take care everyone!
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A great end to the mysterious storyline
maanitsingh27 July 2021
Batman The Long Halloween, Part Two is the second instalment and direct sequel to the new batman in DC animated universe. As the first part the animation is done well and it's tone fits effortlessly into the detective theme. It arguably is much more packed in terms of story and characters. It does get a bit overwhelming and not to mention slight inconsistencies in the story. It however at no point feels boring and will at the end of the watch leave u satisfied as it's well rounded and tight. This is yet another a solid instalment in this franchise and easily a must watch.
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Nice finish as the holiday murders wrap.
blanbrn21 August 2021
"Batman: The Long Halloween, Part Two" finishes the drama and terror that was brought on by the holiday killer, as with each crime the tension and drama grows between the Falcone and Maroni crime families, with Batman, Gordon, and Dent racing to solve the mystery, more Batman bad apples like Poison Ivy, Mad Hatter, and the Scarecrow play figures into this crazy mysterious like game. Well done a joy if you are a Batman and D. C. comics fan as I enjoyed reading this graphic novel watching these two part animated works was entertaining and enjoyable also.
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why is batman such a looser?
sp4wn3r31 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Batman gets his ass kicked by everyone in this part? Whats up with the real batman we deserve? Who is immune to scarecrows gas? Who is not afraid of anyone? And kicks serious ass.
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Long Halloween part 2
WeAreLive12 January 2022
The killer known as Holiday continues to stalk the Falcone crime family while a new class of costumed criminal rises in Gotham City. Batman suspects that a former ally might be the serial killer.

I am going to expend a bit here this time.

This was a very worthy movie to adapt the comic like it predecessor part 1.

From the suspense, to it's stellar animation and finally the action.
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A bit inconsistent but good
varunmirasdar28 July 2021
Unlike the first part this one was a bit rushed so it took a little bit of time to make sense of what was going on. The twist at the end though was really nice and somewhat unexpected. Apart from the minor inconsistent continuity this holds up as a sequel or part two should be.
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Such a good conclusion to part 1
oisinstaines27 July 2021
This is better than part 1 in my opinion. The war crime in Gotham comes at a heavy price. And Gotham City is at a crossroads in it's history. Is it the end of the Mafia's control on Gotham, with a new breed of villains pooping up to take over? This is the story that explores this transition in a vital part of Batman's history.

I loved seeing some of the rogues gallery in action for this new universe. Josh Duhamel's performance is really on point. The rest is great too but I really felt bad for Harvey Dent in this. The action scenes are better too and I loved that the movie also leaves some things open to the viewers opinions, like the book.

Looking forward to what comes next.
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Not as good as the first part but still satisfies.
bhaktvatsalbrahmbhatt28 July 2021
The conclusion to The Long Halloween is more of a narration of events already in motion unlike the fresh, intriguing piece where you see a systemic unfolding of the plot in the first one. It's still true to the atmosphere set beforehand and keeps a hold of the strings for most part.

The pacing is a little haywire in parts but barely noticeable if we look at the grand scheme of things. The movie masks or at least tries to mask the 'twist' pretty well and offers sufficient thrill along the way. A few subplots were introduced half heartedly however with little to no time spent on their development and getting them to a quick conclusion.

It almost has an air of realism to it, when you think about it, a reveal is only valuable till the moment it is brought to light. I can't complaint though, would love to watch Batman and his more grounded/detective work.

Nice post-credit snippet.
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One of the best animated Batman Movies
connorhill-9934827 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie, for me, is up there with "Under the Red Hood" and "The Dark Knight Returns Pt.2". Great voice acting form everyone and a great story story that followed the comics more than other adaptations and had some some twists that veered from the comics to keep the viewer interested. When you make an adaptation of the best comic book story of all time it is hard to go wrong with it. I just wished Batman would have delivered justice at the end even though it didn't feel fitting. - 9.5/10.
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A solid finale to the Long Halloween tale
eddie_baggins17 October 2021
Following on from the recently released Part One of Chris Palmer's animated adaptation of the famed Batman graphic novel of the same name, The Long Halloween Part Two continues on the good work before it too make a case for these two part feature length efforts to be regarded as some of the best examples of DC Comics staples when it comes to the animated game.

With a more Joker-fueled first part that was at times more like a darker version of the old Adam West starring TV show with the crazy clown running rampant around the mysterious murders at the hand of the Holiday Killer, Part Two differentiates itself in a neat way as we get far more time here with the unfortunate Harvey Dent as well as additions Poison Ivy and the Mad Hatter.

While so well handled in Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight masterpiece, the Josh Duhamel voiced Harvey Dent is here one of the most well-rounded representations of the aspiring political figure that is the eventual two-faced haunted soul and it's nice to see Palmer and the film allow Batman/Wayne to take a backseat at times here as Dent's journey from a bright-eyed figure to a disfigured shadow of his former self takes centerstage and adds layers to this tale that might not have existed without the confidence of the people in charge.

Coming in a brisk sub-90 minute running time, Palmer crams a lot into this second part of the Long Halloween tale and in some ways you do wish there was more time allotted to the continuation of the mystery surrounding the Holiday Killer's identity and their reasoning behind their spree of vicious murders, with it coming as somewhat of a surprise that in many instances the Holiday Killer is an afterthought, even if their killings and presence looms large over all characters involved in the story.

It's all nitpicks however as the wonderful old school animation and well-rounded bringing too life of some of the most famous figures in the Batman universe combine to treat die-hard and more casual fans alike too an entertaining and high quality Batman experience.

Final Say -

Continuing on the with the solid work of the first part, The Long Halloween Part Two is a fitting finale to this double-header that will likely be regarded as one of the best exponents of animated DC features for the years yet to come.

3 1/2 boardwalks out of 5.
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A thorough character assassination of batman
Nob0dy31 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Tl:dr A 2 part whodunnit movie where batman is the dumbest character and weakest fighter in the entire thing. A movie where catwoman is a better fighter, free runner, detective and vigilante than batman. A 2 part, in total 3 hour long viewing experience that culminates with the worst ending of any dc media ever because it is nothing short of character assassination, batman, the iconic character does something completely out of character, he finally figures out who is the serial killer that he has spent the past 3 hours screen time, ( 1 year in movie time) chasing and he responds to the discovery by letting them walk away because you know that's what batman stands for, right? Shaking hands with a mass murderer and then letting them walk away completely scot-free , it is the most flaccid ending you could imagine.

The only rational I can think of for this movie existing is if you see it as sometthing to cater to an audience who has always wondered what a lobotomized, sloppy, immoral, unskilled , hypocritical batman would be like.

More detailed: Having seen every DC movie, both live action and animated to date I can say with complete confidence that this is the most unfitting, out of character, awkward interpretation of batman ever to hit the screens.

A 2 part movie that revolves exclusively around the falcone crime family and their evil deeds yet when falcone meets his demise he dies craddled in batmans arms and batman offers him some comfort, an unrepentant crime boss who has proven throughout both parts to be nothing more than a scumbag for some reason in his final moments is treated like some kind of wise, honourable, revered elder by batman, this makes no sense, set aside the main dc universe for a moment, even just in the confines of this stand alone story this makes zero sense, batman has spent the 2 movies trying to come to terms with his families history with the falcones and his own quest to try and right wrongs yet he treats falcone like some kind of cross between a brother that he cares deeply for and a sage offering him wisdom. Its inconsistent and very dumb

Selina is apparently a daughter of falcone, which should be a plot point, but it is not touched on, not even hinted to at all. She mentions in the final 10 minutes of the second part that maybe, maybe falcone is her father, what could and should be an interesting part of this story is completely neglected and then just 1 throw away line of dialogue is squeezed in right at the end and carries no weight whatsoever.

Back to the poor writing regarding batman 1: He has no problem revealing his identity, within these 2 movies he removed his mask outside in public no fewer than 5 times, he has the classic "plot armour" so nobody sees him, but this batman has no hesitation about whipping his mask down in the public eye.

2: He gets smacked around by every 2 bit villain in gotham, he is even under iv's control for months( and somehow despite her controlling him every second and having plants grow all over the wayne estate she never learns that he is the batman) yet the 1 enemy he doesnt struggle against is the joker, his most iconic and longest lasting enemy.

3: He is useless, he may be young here but he is still bruce wayne, he is supposed to be trained in all forms of martial arts, he is supposed to have genius level iq, yet he cant put 2 and 2 together and spends the entirety of both movies chasing his own tail. If it wasnt for 3rd party characters bluntly spelling the story out for him he would never have figured out a single aspect on his own.

4: The ending goes against every single thing that batman stands for. Every interpretation of batman when he is a "good guy" is about him being a symbol, a man standing up against impossible odds to try and make the world a safer place. How does this 2 part movie end? Well let me tell you, it ends with batman finally realizing who the real holiday killer is and he responds to his galaxy brain discovery by letting the killer get away completely scot-free.

  • So we watched 2 movies, in total about 3 hours, the entirety of which is watching a single digit iq batman bash his head against a wall and run in circles because he cant figure out anything on his own, there are plenty of deaths and a whodunnit storyline at play and it all culminates in an unfitting, out of character, stupid, flat and extremely unrewarding ending where batman throws all of his morals out the window so he can have a friendly little chat with a serial killer and then let them remain free.

They should have stuck to the original storyline where alberto falcone is the holiday killer, it makes more sense, it is more fitting with the theme of crime families and his story ending is infinitely more rewarding than Gilda admitting she is the killer, because of all things a simple trinket from her uni days was enough for batman to figure out a puzzle that he was too dumb to piece together for year and this big "twist" of an ending is completely monotone because as I mentioned batman walks out of her house, leaving her to continue her life without paying for her crimes and thats that. Countless people murdered, countless lives ruined, harvey dent turned into 2 face and the person responsible for all of it barely has any screen time, has a 1 note personality and is let walk free, its ok that she is a mass murderer, she had a difficult experience in her university days so according to this version of batman that means it is acceptable for her to be a serial killer for a while, she is above the law. Remember folks, if you suffer some bad times in your life that gives you the right to hurt and kill other people with impunity, thats what this version of batman believes anyway

I am not some kind of gatekeeper, I have no problem with different takes on characters, I even defend the batman soul of the dragon movie which a lot of people whine about because batman isnt a literal combat god who cant be touched by mortals, (people complained about a movie that shows a young bruce wayne training before becoming batman taking some hits, they completely ignore the point of those scenes because if young untrained bruce wayne could already beat the worlds best martial artists without even breaking a sweat he would not need to travel the world to train in the first place), but thats not what this movie does. It doesnt take a long standing character and explore different possibilities, it takes a long standing character removes all of his skill, all of his intelligence, all of his resourcefulness, all of his morals, his entire ethos and drags it through the mud. It turns him into a knuckle dragging moron that needs people to hold his hand every step of the way and even with him being babysat the entire story the 1 moment where he has the chance to do the right thing, the moral thing, he walks away and willingly aids a mass murderer. Honestly my title sums it up accurately, this movie is nothing more than an assassination of this long standing character.
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judywalker229 July 2021
I really was pumped after Part One of Batman the Long Halloween. The story was interesting, the animation stellar and the cast especially Jensen Ackles as Batman was great. But sadly the second part is not as good. Part II is disjointed, with some really poor use of Ackles as Batman. He has almost no dialog, leaving us just a drawn, lifeless character. The other characters, evolve, Dent, Gordon, Carmine, even Catwoman but not Bruce Wayne or Batman. It's ashame. I really wanted this to be iconic. I will have to read the original comic and see where they missed the mark.
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Incredible conclusion
masonsaul11 August 2021
Batman: The Long Halloween, Part Two is an incredible conclusion that's thrilling, dark and satisfying and solidifies it as one of the stronger adaptations. Jensen Ackles, Josh Duhamel and Naya Rivera are all great once again. Chris Palmer's direction is also great and the animation is excellent. It's extremely well paced and the music by Michael Gatt is really good. However, it's brought down slightly by Batman feeling sidelined occasionally.
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Great movie based on a graphic novel, glad I read it.
Mysterygeneration31 December 2021
Parents should be aware that Batman: The Long Halloween, Part Two is a 2021 animated action sequel to The Long Halloween, Part One, in which Batman, Harvey Dent, and Commissioner Gordon resume their hunt for an elusive serial killer. Expect a lot of violence, including characters being shot in the throat and killed, scenes of dead bodies on the street after murders on holidays, and fights with weapons, machine guns, poison gas, punches, and kicks. There is some disturbing/demonic imagery. In a courtroom scenario, one of the main characters gets attacked in the face with acid, disfiguring half of his face. Profanity, including "f-king," is heard. There is also some drinking and smoking.

Part Two of The Long Halloween follows Harvey Dent's spiral into insanity as events transform him into the supervillain Two-Face. This is a very solid addition to the Batman canon that will ultimately be appreciated by superfans. The film isn't the ideal place to start for kids who want to learn about Batman's battles between good and evil.
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Kinda better than First one but both are exvellant
bunditthedeadmen4 April 2023
The first Batman long halloween movie is one of my favorite batman animation movie and the sequal didnt dissapoint. In fact the sequal is also now my one of the favorite batman animated movie. The pacing in this one is better than first one and story is also more interesting despite the fact that the first one also had a fantastic story. The voice again is great and boy! My Girl catwoman is a SMASH lmao. Two face was great and Poison ivy is.........okay i guess however should have gotten more time. In the end Batman The long Halloween Part Two is a excellant movie like the first one and its a worth watch.
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I believe in Harvey Dent!
EdwardtheBlackPrince10 August 2021
The long Halloween part 2 is a good movie however while they try to do here an interesting take on it, it feels to the point unwarranted and unjustified. It's similar to Batman hush where it shares the name I tried doing it on the thing and tries to add a twist. So much from the novel is changed and recon here with Catwoman having a significant role in this movie to the point that she and Bruce know who each other are even in a serious relationship. Part 2 seems rather unbalanced when it seems as though Selena is getting more screen time and focus than Bruce actually is but when you watch both parts together it does seem more even but it's just more heavily driven towards her. Closer to the end of the story. But also brought to the attention that this is earlier in Bruce's years and he's not gonna be Batman out a spot at his prime but for the majority of the Time he doesn't do anything other than feel bad for himself. You could have moments where Batman feels exposed on the occasion feels something, but when you don't have him really fighting anyone or even investigating for most of the film all that much it's just a waste. What they did with Harvey Dent as the core focuses is more on him was done well. Part two should have focused even more heavily on Harvey than Bruce. Some of the scenes used for Selena could've been given the Harvey instead To add more. What is negative as the film still does manage to shine and its tone. But its Pacing is where it falters the most, there's not much going on in this compared to part 1. Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day quickly abruptly rushed over trying to get closer to Harvey's accident it's more dialogue-driven. What did she say the ending honestly ruins the integrity of the long Halloween when you altar key things even cutting out Alberto from the story.
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A perfect adaptation of the comic
dariafa27 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It was absolutely amazing, great plot twist, even for fans who read the comic, and an improvement to Harvey's character.
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MamadNobari9727 July 2021
Interesting story, and you kinda expect the big twist at the end so it's not that mind-blowing like I was expecting it to be. Still a good Detective Batman Story with nice animation and actors. But still, nothing amazing like Under the Red Hood.

But I don't know why they gave this one and R? I was expecting blood, teets and arse flying but there's only one f word in the movie, so what's up with the rating?
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Brilliance continues
darapjohnson15 July 2023
The brilliance continues with part 2 still focusing on the Holiday serial killer which was filled with twists and turns even I couldn't see coming, and i've watched a hell of a ton of movies in my 26 years of life. With a introduction of a heap of new characters that werent in part 1, lets get straight into this movie.

Whoever voice Two-Face in this was perfect. Per-fect. That is exactly how I imagined Two-Face sounding like everytime I saw him on screen or in comics. The same goes for Scarecrow and Poison Ivy, Mad Hatter and I could go on and on. Wes Gleason did a great job as usual casting the voices. This was a great as the first part, continuing the story and I especially liked the action. Definitely recommend this two-part movie to anyone who wants to have fun with a good movie.
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Two heads might not be better than one.
Pjtaylor-96-1380444 September 2021
After a somewhat slow start, 'Batman: The Long Halloween, Part two (2021)' eventually gets even better than its predecessor, perhaps primarily because it actually provides a satisfying conclusion to its narrative. It continues to explore Batman, Dent and Gordon's efforts to apprehend the 'Holiday' killer, who puts them in the odd position of having to protect notorious gangster Carmine Falcone. The picture is perhaps more traditional than its predecessor, containing several action set-pieces that pit the caped crusader against a variety of his famous foes. The actual 'Holiday' killer arguably takes a backseat here, as well, since the flick is often more focused on the consequences that the murders are having on the city's 'cops vs gangsters' conflict. That's not to imply that the thing lacks focus, though. In fact, it brings everything together in a natural and thematically complex way that's really fulfilling. Though a lot of its answers are given in a final exposition dump, the mystery is generally well-told and engaging. The piece also still makes sense after its enigma has been revealed, which is rarer than it ought to be. It's a compelling and enjoyable film, in general. Its action is exciting and its narrative feels urgent, with its well-realised characters always being front and centre. Its themes are interesting, too. It's a solid mystery-thriller that satisfyingly concludes the 'long Halloween'. 7/10.
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4 Just for the animation style
fireshift7779328 July 2021
The movie was disappointing. Batman is absolutely useless in the movie, the book was much more better. The ending was disappointing, the first part was also mediocre. Really the movie is about Catwoman and the villains. Batman is just completely useless. Why is DC declining?
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Better than the first part
I personally enjoyed this second part way more than the first, which was way too slow-paced and filled with padding.

Honestly, I think it should have been released as a single film. And while the art is good, it would have been nice if the characters design would have been more akin to its comic version.

The animation style of the The Amazing Screw-On Head short would have worked for this, in my opinion.
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Batman: The Long Halloween Part Two
bvtxmvn28 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, this film was seriously good. The animation is absolutely stunning, and looks beautiful! Jason does fantastic as Batman and the rest of the cast kills it, especially Catwoman, may she Rest In Peace. This was a thrilling conclusion to an amazing two movies! The only thing I'd critique is that *spoilers* Harvey's wife's reveal, though a very good twist, was a bit confusing. Holiday was drawn to look identical to Harvey under the mask, it's definitely a red herring but still. All in all it's the best film in DCs new string of movies, I highly recommend it!!!
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What a twist
H0kv521 October 2021
Finally it all came down revenge, gosh bats is always in the front line but with this it was in another league like what's next.

Wonder why arrow and the flash came though don't know.
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