"Such Great Heights," an intimate look inside the world of mixed martial arts fighting. The film follows top UFC Welterweight Contender Jon Fitch, both inside and outside of the cage, as he prepares to do battle with Champion Georges St. Pierre. Intensity and emotion move toward critical mass as fight night approaches and a tight knit team rallies around Jon. While Fitch prepares for this climactic moment in his life, the story weaves through the daily triumphs and challenges of the other fighters at the American Kickboxing Academy (AKA). The film explores the grueling lifestyles of these fighters as they deal with everything from their personal demons to finding a place to sleep at night.
Fitch is a rare fighter. He's a guy so incredibly down-to-earth and easy going you'd have a hard time pegging him for an extreme cage fighter. Such Great Heights is a rare documentary in that it felt as real and honest as the fighters it represented. Should be seen by anyone who wants to get a real inside glimpse at the life of an MMA fighter.