In this intriguing sequel, we witness a dramatic shift in the life of our protagonist Lino, who transitions from being a mechanic in the first film to now a cop. The movie cleverly plays with the audience's expectations by presenting a disconnect between the ending of the first movie and the beginning of the second, adding an element of mystery and suspense. Lino's evolution from a blue-collar worker to a law enforcement officer brings a fresh perspective to the character, as he navigates a world where the lines between good and bad are constantly blurred. The film wastes no time plunging into the action, with Lino finding himself in a complex web of corruption and deceit, where the true villains may not be who they seem. What sets this movie apart is Lino's unconventional approach to justice, as he finds himself in situations where he must confront and even take down corrupt cops to uphold his own sense of morality. With a high-stakes plot, intense action sequences, and a standout performance by the lead actor, this movie delivers a thrilling and thought-provoking experience that challenges traditional notions of heroism and villainy. Brace yourself for a wild ride filled with twists, turns, and a riveting exploration of justice and crazy 40 minute finish that made little sense.