When she made Anthony Zimmer, I was such a big fan. After that, her movies have gone downhill. It's like all the projects offered to her are mediocre or crass. This one is particularly stupid. The French title's literal translation is "A Woman of Our Time" or "A Contemporary Woman". The woman in this film is definitely not a woman of our time. She is illogical, emotional, over-wrought, out of control. You would think a female who is competent enough to ascend to the rank of Chief of Police would have some common sense and intelligence. But no, this one can't handle a little marital infidelity. Keep in.mind the long-held notion that all French men have mistresses; monogamy is not the norm in France. She goes out of her head, cannot sleep for days when she discovers her husband is cheating on her. Bizarre. You would think in this day and age, everyone assumes their spouse cheats or should assume it because sex is so casual, it means nothing nowadays. Marriage is not so much an institution as it is a frame of mind. So this female cop doesn't do anything when she's on the job. She spends her personal time writing books, jogging and practising her archery. She doesn't spend time with her husband. She tells him she loves him but she would rather spend her evenings after work searching for inspiration for her next novel. The character in this movie is schizoid. Bad slow boriing movie because it simply does not go anywhere and makes absolutely no sense. I have recently seen a lot of bad movies by Sophie Marceau and I normally stop watching after the first 10 minutes. This one I watched until the very end because the synopsis sounded promising and intriguing. I should have stopped watching the moment I realized this is not a mystery, not a crime drama, not a suspense-thriller, not a love story but a portrait (badly drawn) about a woman (any woman, not necessarily French, not necessarily a cop) going off the rails. A normal, contemporary "woman of our times" would have simply focussed on her career and asked for a divorce instead of going batshit crazy the minute she suspects her husband's adultery. At the end of this movie, she stands to lose everything -- career, her freedom, family, her standing in the community and everything she ever worked for, all because she can't handle the thought of her husband with some other woman/women. What a dumb story. Dumb enough that I may never want to see another Sophie Marceau movie again. I watched this one because of her. In future, I may avoid all movies starring her. Thumbs way down.