These series shows the dilemma of an Upsc aspirant from the perspective of an aspirant itself from Delhi, Old Rajinder Nagar to be precise, the Hub of Upsc. It has similar vibes of kota factory but with a more serious and mature presentation. The hardships of an aspirant is shown without negatively affecting their mental state of preparation. On the contrary, it gives them inspiration despite showing the actual reality.
The actors are perfect and dialog delivery is awesome of all the 3 main actors along with Sandeep Bhaiya. Guri has already became my favourite but what people will be more relatable with is the character of SK. The harsh truth behind the consumptuous hours of preparation and how it toils a person both mentally and physically is well informed by his little monologue in the beginning. Overall, I rated it 10 just because it stays grounded and is truthful to the reality and does not show superfluos characterization. I hope it turns out better than Kota Factory which stopped taking it seriously after the first 3 episodes.