"Reality shows" are the bane of the TV, and I put that in quotes because they are not real, it is all scripted and created by the producers and yet millions of people buy into this 3rd rate con and keep coming back for more.
Like the whole motorhome episode, it was as if the producers were thinking what can we fake to cause a bunch of non-sense drama and then the intern said, "hey lets have the family get an RV and then we can get a bunch of canned shots of fake arguments about it." Or how about the episode where the 14 year old male kid (when you have 22 of them its really hard to remember all of the names) uses his amazing math skills to figure out our family budget, that one just had me shaking my head saying sure that happened, and then the family (heck the entire city) clapped and praised the genius child, hah.
Also funny how they seem like they are so trying to save for money while in later episodes you see the mom walking about in 1k shoes while searching for country homes and taking some lavish vacations. Then you do a little research and they cleared 1 million pounds in advertisement revenue alone (not counting their pay for the show or the money from the bakery) oh and also dont forget they are taking benefits from the government of around 10k per year.
I remember back when to gain fame or notoriety on TV one had to have an actual talent, one had to be smart, or athletic, or a magician or whatever. The talent this family appears to possess is their mother is a broodmare and the father gives so little care about to his wife's health he makes sure as soon as the new (youngest) kid is off the nip a new one is in the belly to take his/her place.
Also when drama is happening pay attention to what everyone is wearing, because the continuity is just plain awful. You can tell they are re-using shots from entirely different episodes for sound bites and for creating "fake" arguments and then splicing them into current shots. And notice where the camera is when they get so called surprises, like how did the camera get inside the room before they supposedly ever saw it, so very fake.
I would highly suggest anyone thinking of watching this show to just dont. It has no legitimate entertainment value, it teaches nothing, everything is fake and staged, and if you really think about the situation its really screwed up. Plus I honestly feel dumber having watched multiple episodes of s2 and s3.