Altagracia Guzman, who starred in the independent hit Raising Victor Vargas (2002), was offered the role of the lead character's grandmother. She's known the director for many years as they are both based in Washington Heights. Ms. Guzman is the aunt of brothers Jessy Terrero and Ulysses Terrero.
Most of the cast are first time actors. The majority are Latino, mostly Dominican, from the Washington Heights area, as well as, the Bronx. Director Fabian Baez casted people he knew who were able to play certain roles. Plus, he recruited new talent from ads he placed on Craigslist and Some people were introduced to him right before filming, such as Wanda Ferreiras.
The whole process was a quick turnaround. The script was completed in August '08. Pre-production took place during that month & principal photography was between September & November, mostly on the weekends. One scene between Nick Talentino and Eugene Dundon, at the Dyckman Buffet House, was shot on Columbus Day. Due to convenience for the restaurant, the scene was shot at 7am. There was a separate room in the restaurant where they sat and ate while conversing. That was the only scene filmed that day so Baez used the rest of the morning to get B roll (scenery shots). Another scene dealing with food was one with Talentino and Yomaris Maldonado. It was a picnic scene at Fort Tryon Park. Due to the blocking and dialogue it took about 3-4 hours to film. They had to really conserve their sandwiches for continuity's sake; a nibble here and there. They even ran out of juice to drink, but managed. Baez financed the project himself, but also received help from cast & crew plus business people who supported the project by allowing them to film in their establishment. Post-production was from December '08 to April '09. During this time there were some events to create a buzz about the project. A wrap party in December, an event in January to show short clips and have actors discuss the movie, a networking party in February and finally a test screening in March. During these events they also provided opportunities for local, up & coming recording artists to perform. All of them have music on the film's soundtrack.