hi, i don't usually right reviews, but this movie compelled me to, trust me guys , just watch this movie , and rate for yourself.... we need people's verdict here, Is John Doe right ???? i s this movie right, does it make sense, my verdict it does !!!! with a good direction, plot, story and good acting by lead actor jamie, i am not his fan as said by an earlier reviewer, " fco sumthing sumthing !!!!, i don't know did he watch the same movie i watched, but i can tell you for a fact its a good movie indeed, on a hot topic, if you like watching movie with may be not all answers, if you like thriller, documentary, crime movie, or any good movie, you can spend easily your 90mins in this movie, its interesting, you can watch repeatedly and trust me you will not get bored, its a decent movie give it a go.... recommended for any viewer with nice taste of movies.... watch it and decide for yourself and do give your honest verdict......