There's a lot to unpack here, but the core problem is that there are maybe 6 great episodes worth of content in this 12 episode series.
When it gets it right, it gets it very right. Love, loss, longing, poignancy, savagery and pathos, it's all there. The writing, acting and production are strong enough to get you engaged, so as the cast get chowed on, you'll feel it.
However, it suffers from uneven tone, with too many cliched tropes and characters. Big-awkward guy, punky-girl, straight-laced nerd hottie, alpha and beta heroes, coward, and generic thug villain. You've seen them all before, many times.
Some scenes eschew peril for jarring slapstick, which breaks you right out of immersion. There's far, far too much shrieking, repetition, indecision, repetition, pointless sacrifice, and repetition.
Still, the effects, both practical, makeup and subtle CGI are top notch, the overall story arc is well conceived, and there are a few touching character developments.
It's not amazing, but it's solid, and it ends strongly and credibly without pushing the To Be Continued too hard. Just about worth your time.