While they made Triggered together, Cameron Scott pitched the idea to co-star Reine Swart and it was she who suggested that Cameron design the mask Romulus uses. Originally starting with a prototype on the set of Triggered, his collaboration with a 3-D printer would lead to the eventual mask Romulus sports in the second half of the film.
The film was originally to be one about dogfighting after star/writer/producer Cameron Scott was approached to make a film on the subject by the SPCA. After doing loads of research, he felt he couldn't make a film about the subject with dogs as he is an avid dog lover. He decided to make the "dogs" human beings.
Cameron Scott suffered two injuries on the set: one where he had glass embedded in his foot during a pivotal scene and he didn't notice it until after the director yelled "cut" and another where he ran into a thorn bush the following day during shooting another pivotal scene.
Shooting took five days.