Lara croft is a legendary franchise, from the jagged edged video games to the modern movies, she has become an iconic character.
This TV show fails to capture almost any element that makes the character what it is. Lara croft in this show might as well be super human, to the point where even people who play the video games will be forced chuckle. The script is hilariously bad, with plot holes making you question everything from the very first episode and that could have easily been remedied with a little bit of attention.
To make matters worse the unrealistic dialogues land on your ears like screeching chalk on a board. This is not how normal people communicate.. I refuse to believe the voice actors are this bad, therefore I can only blame the direction that they were given by the production team.
The animation is fine, nothing ground breaking like Foghill of the five elements or the Blue Eye Samurai, but it does not drag the show backwards like all the other elements do. So the show deserves some praise for that. However it cannot save the overall product from being bad.
Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara is just a poor attempt at reinventing a legendary character.