Newyorker from 1946, Michael Margotta is a very interesting artist. Actor's Studio Member and StanislavskiStrasberg acting couch, Margotta is the fonder of The Actor Center. THE ACTOR'S CENTER - ROMA, is a not- for-profit organization where actors, writers and directors - meet every Monday at 11am in the city of Rome (Italy) to help each other to fulfil their highest potential and create a common vocabulary. The AC is now seven years old and it walked a long way. To celebrate the seventh turning point actor-producer Marco Bonini and Michael Margotta decided to create a special production in which they could synthesize what they learnt so far. So the choice to make a film out of one of the most performed shows of all times comes directly from the interpretative choices they made. - "Unexpectedly we found our self into an interesting and undiscovered land. The kind of experience we aimed for required a close up approach by the audience" explains Margotta, "We aimed for a theatrical experience where we felt these characters trapped right in front of us. It's an exciting place to be in which is not just theatre, yet not just cinema.". Why willing to do an Italian production of a Swedish author, performed in English? - "Simply because Strindberg's Miss Julie, has no land to belong to, has no time to refer to" says Margotta. Marco Bonini also adds: "Communicating a transnational conflict to transnational audiences is our main goal and that requires a transitional idiom. As a matter of fact the transnational language – weather we like it or not – is now English as well as it was Latin until the middle age". So Italian actors are back to speak to international audiences? -"they are indeed", they both agree.
Rome - Luigi Crescezio