I really enjoyed this film.
First, it was not cheesy like many can be in this genre.
Second, the acting, cinematography, music, editing, sets, costumes, etc. Were all very well done and professional. This was a very well-built film.
Third, the story jumped around a lot chronologically. While that can make for a more interesting film - and people already familiar with the origins of the Church probably followed the story just fine - those who are less familiar with the founding of the Church will probably be confused at times.
For example, why is Joseph Smith falling? Oh, never mind; it was just a dream. Wait, he's dead? Was that from the fall or something else?
The scene only makes sense if you already know the story.
But perhaps my favorite thing about the film is that it didn't shy away from the controversial parts of Church history. Rather than gloss over them or skip them altogether, the film showed how those events impacted the decisions of early Church members and leaders.
The film gives color to the black and white understanding many of us think we have of these people.
As a result, I have so much more appreciation and respect for David Whitmer, Martin Harris, and Oliver Cowdery.
If you are a Latter-day Saint, this is a must-see movie.
I'm looking forward to owning it when it comes out on disc.