As Wendy sits on the roof with Judd, drinking wine, the amount of wine in her glass fluctuates repeatedly even though Judd took the bottle from her and she never refills.
When Judd falls on ice, he is right at the margin of the skate place but in the next shot he appears far from the margin, near the middle of the skate area.
When Horry is being picked up from the store, he is wearing a headband with a Nike tag hanging from it. The tag flips over from one camera angle to the next and then flips back.
When Judd gets knocked out fixing the circuit breaker, his hair is wet. Yet when his mother wakes him up, his hair is dry.
Annie reveals a syringe to Judd, indicating that she is taking injectable fertility medication. Yet she had said her husband hasn't even been tested for fertility issues. No reputable doctor would prescribe fertility medication without testing both members of the couple.
In the end when Judd drives the Porsche on the highway he's got 1500 rpm on the clock, that's possible with a diesel but with a gasoline driven engine the motor would die.
When Quinn tells Judd she is staying at a hotel for a few days, she says she is staying at the Marriott. When Quinn calls for the ambulance, he tells the dispatcher the Renaissance. This is a brand of Marriott hotel, so a local dispatcher is more likely to know the name of the hotel rather than the brand.
As she moves to lie down on the ice with Judd, the back of Penny's shirt is already wet, suggesting previous takes. However, when Judd enters the ice rink, she is practicing a skating routine; it is possible she could have been sweating from the exertion of the workout.
When Judd meets Penny in the bar, unexpectedly, and she joins him at the table with his three siblings, he wants to order all of the beers, but is stopped by his brother who said he's already ordered. However when they next drink the shots, all five of them do, while his brother couldn't have known Penny would join the table.
When Judd sees her, Philip is already waving at her from the table to come over. He likely ordered the drinks after seeing her.
During the phone call from Wendy regarding their father's death, Judd's iPhone clearly shows the "Slide to Unlock" feature on its screen, which wouldn't be present if he had just answered a call.