Honestly, I learned about the film only from advertising. After watching the trailer, I was surprised, it's not every day you see a high-quality, well planned picture. The idea seemed to me interesting enough, the music is great, and the cast is excellent, well, I decided to go to this motion picture, hoping to see something new and unusual. I can not say that the film is completely lived up to my expectations.
Think of all the visuals will love movies, because each frame is similar to an independent picture, and it is no exaggeration and sarcasm. The two worlds are quite different, they are difficult to compare, but they are both beautiful in their own way. One world - the sunny metropolis, second - steam punk gloomy town. Honestly, I can say that this film can inspire a fabulous art objects and musical masterpieces.
In the soundtrack of authorship Audiomachine I fell immediately after watching the trailer. He's not intrusive, but maintains an atmosphere of the film.
The first ten minutes of the film the audience tell the universe itself and its rules. All these beautiful drawings and attached personnel. All anything, but this story seems to be dull and boring. Such a beginning influenced by my perception of the story the hero's life. Therefore tie melodrama seemed to tighten, although the film does not seem boring.
Most of all I "hit" the ending picture. Get the feeling that cut out a epilogue and then leave all the work. In my opinion, the trailer was much more interesting movie, I do not know, perhaps because he was more intrigued audience, or because he was more dynamic. In general, received a quality, beautiful, do not strain your brain melodrama. In general, to rejoice: French film happy ending!