The rules of the game are kind of silly, as others have pointed out. At the $60k round things go wrong and it just doesn't seem to make much sense at that point since $60k is more than can be earned in all previous rounds. I can sort of see why they did that to avoid any chance of a tie, but it's a tacky solution.
Another problem is the clues, which are really inconsistent. You are supposed to ignore some clues but focus in on others for no reason other than the producers care more about drama than having a decent game show?
The next issue is the acts, which granted are kind of the secondary aspect of the show, but regardless MOST of them are things we've seen ad nauseum or just not that good.
Finally let's get into the issue of stereotyping. This is the poster-child for what is wrong in this country right now. From the show requiring the contestants to comment on acts based solely on looks to sob stories about being treated differently because of XYZ, you'll be cringing constantly during this show.