I have watched the South ParQ Vaccination Special quite a few times, and for me, it was adept at poking fun at it all. Some jokes and visuals were funny as they hit on current events and the main characters of the town; in the end, it fell flat for me.
I like the beginning of the vaccinations like a Studio 54 situation, considering the old folks getting the vaccinations were that old when Studio 54 was famous. I wondered what they were going to do with Mr. Garrison's turned Trump character once Trump lost, and now we know. That wasn't so bad a tun to bring back the continuity of that character to South Park.
I'll admit, I am a Butters fan. And as short as the scene of Butters was in this, I found it hilarious watching him running around like a nut with the flag as part of the Lil' Q-ties. He was so crazy as they were fighting at the time; he was running around screaming, "Yea...Yeah!!!" Why? What for? It was just so silly-funny, as the whole thing was. That was typical South Park to me.
It's South Park. This episode did try to unpack a lot, but it hit the points of interest. It was silly not taken personally at all. The idea to me was to watch the silliness of the vaccinations and theories all implode. The only thing that could have been better was the ending. It made little sense and seemed rushed. It could have been much more current, for example, using 'cancel culture' instead as the setup was there to do so.
It's worth a look. I did like the Pandemic Special much better, but this wasn't too bad either.