I know my review is going to be immediately voted negatively, but I did give Dragon Quest a chance, watching it with an open mind and with low expectations. But I just found an all-round awful movie, I'm sorry. I guess the scenery isn't so bad, but the editing and special effects are. The editing is all over the place, especially in the action sequences and the cut-back when we are first introduced to the dragon. The effects didn't look so terrible at first, but their robotic way of moving and that the dragons looked superimposed in the background just made them fake. The dialogue is incredibly insipid and uncomfortably cheesy. The characters are never developed or likable enough to make us identify with them, we learn nothing about them, some come and go and others vanish without a trace. The music is generic. The story reeks of predictability and is full of ridiculous scenes like the dragon falling being in flames and after the cut-back we clearly see that for some reason the ground has been untouched and the means of the hero proving his worth was just stupid. The costumes don't really give a proper sense of what period or genre it's supposed to be, what's even more disconcerting is the constant changes, or shall I say continuity error, of the hero's shirt. The action sequences are hopelessly inept, nothing is thrilling in this regard and you can tell nobody seemed to know what they were doing. The acting is also terrible, Marc Singer is unsubtly over-the-top while Daniel Boujour and Jason Connery have the charisma of coat-racks. In conclusion, not the Asylum's worst or one of them, but for a fantasy adventure Dragon Quest sure was one dull quest. 1/10 Bethany Cox