Bartholomew's talent manager steals all his money, forces Barth to keep his job-job as a giant french fry and competes in a bong-off against his rival Zack "The Tank" for the leading man role in a regional commercial for an energy drink.
Struggling to make ends meet, Bartholomew gets a new job as a security guard, when the blaze-out collaboration with Stoner B to rob a bank goes wrong they ultimately upload the bank robbery video for some temporary social media stardom.
Summer in LA means one thing, pool party. Barth, Stoner B and friends crash a neighbors pool who's out of town. After filming a Boner Pop commercial they spark up a high adventure squirrel flying then crash a college frat.
Barth and Stoner B crash land at Backus University, Minnesota. They do a stolen beer run to have an epic party weekend at a fraternity, the University Dean has other plans, Barth decides to help the fraternity with an even bigger party.