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Loving Leah (TV Movie 2009) Poster

(2009 TV Movie)

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Give them credit for originality and good research
cdgregor-14 August 2013
My wife and I are Orthodox Jews addicted to the Perry Mason of our childhood. We couldn't resist watching Hallmark's presentation of levirate marriage, or yibum, but never expected we could stomach more than 20 minutes of it.

The writers and directors certainly get credit for coming up with an original plot device to create romantic tension and resolution. This is Hallmark, after all, and we didn't expect all the dramatic unities to be observed, but we were pleased at the overall high quality of the research, writing and acting. There are Orthodox men who make a living outside the rabbinate, and non-Orthodox Jewish men who aren't cardiac surgeons, but avoiding these clichés might been too distracting.

The mystical / romantic motivation was never made quite reasonable, but much worse was the simple fact that marriages religious and secular require sexual consummation in order to be valid. The whole point of yibum is that the wife should get pregnant with her brother-in-law's child and therefore continue her dead husband's family and name. Such a beginning would have ruined the plot and perhaps run afoul of Hallmark's standards and practices.

One may quibble about this or that presentation of Jewish religious practice, but on the whole this movie did a good and conscientious job with remarkable few cringe-inducing mistakes. In the end it worked as a romantic comedy/drama which held our attention to the end.
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Okay, so it's a corny love story, but it's a pleasure to see a portrait of Jewish life
clivy10 December 2016
So "Loving Leah" is a little schmaltzy, even for a love story. I loved it anyway. It's a real pleasure to watch a movie that is respectful of Jewish customs and presents a non sensationalized, exploitative, or prejudiced view of Jewish religious practice. Usually the only portraits of Jewish life I see on TV are tragic stories set during the Holocaust or comedies. I appreciated that Leah's mother was strict and scared her daughter enough for her to put up a show of the pretend marriage, but ultimately she cared for Leah, wanted her to be happy, and encouraged her to go back and make up with Jacob, even if he wasn't Orthodox, and even if he and Leah would attend a Reform Temple with a woman rabbi. I appreciated that none of the characters were stereotypes or played for laughs. Well done Hallmark!
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The sister-in-law
jotix10014 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Some religious customs are an enigma to most of us, not having been exposed to them, as is the case at the center of this story. Jake Lever's brother, having come from the same secular background as he, turned into a strict Orthodox Jew and married the young Leah, a religious young woman living in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Jake, an intern at a Washington hospital, sees his brother in a dream, so vividly that when he is told he has died suddenly, it shakes him completely.

Jake is seeing Carol, also an intern. Little prepares Jake for what his life will turn into when he is told of an ancient Orthodox custom where the young widow must marry her husband's single brother, or else, her brother-in-law must renounce to that claim by doing something that feels repugnant to him. As a result, Jake and Leah, are married. That is when things start getting complicated for both of them.

Jake and Leah agree on a convenient arrangement that suits each other. Leah will try to pursue an education that was cut short when she married for the first time. Carol, on the other hand, feels as though Jake is not being honest with her. Eventually they break their relationship. It takes no time before Jake realizes he has been falling in love with Leah, but didn't want to admit it.

Jeff Bleckner directed this television presentation, written by Pnenah Goldstein for a Hallmark type movie. It is a romantic comedy that combines elements that have been used in other films of this genre. Our only interest in watching was Lauren Ambrose, one of our best, and more versatile actresses working in movies and television these days. She is wonderful as Leah because of her take on the young woman who is taken out of her world reluctantly. Mercedes Ruehl, also in the cast, has nothing to play. Adam Kaufman appears as Jake, the man who falls in love with someone against his better judgment. Susie Essman, a successful comedienne in her own right, is seen as Leah's mother.
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Sometimes it's no one's fault when life takes a left turn.
Xjayhawker3 March 2013
First, I would like to thank Hallmark for putting on this movie because in doing so they took a chance that people could actually relate..and not be afraid to throw in a story with a religious element..the old adage is never talk about politics or religion. While it is true that we delve into some fundamental issues of the Jewish faith, this is first and foremost a story of friendship offered and love found. One review called this a romantic comedy..others found faults here and there but there will always be those that look for some shortcomings. I see this as a tender story of two people discovering that they have much to offer each other after Jake's brother dies leaving a widow. She has her ways steeped in tradition and Jake has his ways..not being home much and a girlfriend and working long hours at the hospital..did I mention that his girlfriend initially encouraged Jake (Adam Kaufman) to befriend the young widow (Lauren Ambrose)?After all, she's family. The first days and weeks thrown together as "roommates" are played in such a realistic and touching way, you are drawn into "their" story..and it is theirs and the memory of his dead brother..and mothers wanting what's right for their kids..this is a sweet, innocent and tender. Telling of simple love..there's no comedy here..but the facial expressions and the eyes say this is really some fine acting..I waited for this to come on and was not disappointed. And neither will you.It's that good.
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Good job, helps us understand Jewish faith
vchimpanzee29 January 2009
Jake is a Washington, D.C., physician who has been accepted into a fellowship program. He is engaged to Carol, who he met at the hospital when they were having lunch at the same time. Carol is pretty and seems to work at the hospital, but I'm not sure what she does.

Jake, who grew up Jewish but is no longer observant, dreams that he sees his brother Benjamin, a rabbi who he has not kept in touch with, telling him everything is now all right between them. They used to be close, as shown in flashbacks. Jake then finds out Benjamin is deceased.

Jake goes to Brooklyn to attend the funeral. He finds out that he obligated by scripture (Deuteronomy 25:5) to marry Benjamin's widow Leah. Neither Jake nor Leah wants to do this, but a halizah ceremony is required to release Jake from his obligation. The words Jake is forced to say would require him to denounce his brother, which he can't do. So he goes through with a sham marriage and moves Leah into his very masculine Georgetown apartment, giving her the other bedroom. The two rarely see each other.

Still, you can imagine how this makes Carol feel. Meanwhile, there is an additional complication: the mothers of Jake and Leah don't know the marriage is fake. So they have to go through the motions to keep up the charade.

Leah wanted to leave Brooklyn anyway; she wants to go to college and investigates the possibility. Very devout and conservative, she also seeks out a place of worship. The one she finds is very different from the one in Brooklyn; instead of lots of men with black hats and beards, this temple has a female rabbi.

The "marriage" appears unlikely to succeed. But wait: why does this movie have the title that it does? Maybe there is hope after all.

The leading actors in this movie all do a good job. Lauren Ambrose is pleasant enough, and she is attractive but very plain, though she has beautiful hair (it's actually a wig). I especially liked Ricki Lake as the female rabbi who helps Leah find answers in a new community of faith. Susie Essman plays Leah's mother as abrasive (but in New York City, that's actually love) and intolerant (would an on screen Jewish mother be anything else?). Mercedes Ruehl does an especially fine job as Jake's mother.

It is rare to see this much detail about the Jewish faith. Most movies and TV series show Jewish people as non-observant or, where they are faithful, we often don't see the details of what is required of them. The Brooklyn Jews in this movie are the most conservative Jews I have ever seen portrayed. And yet the female rabbi teaches Leah a lot about how all the requirements may not be necessary. Leah and Jake have a lot to teach each other as well.

It was worthy of the name "Hallmark Hall of Fame".
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Unrealistic but well acted
Nozz17 April 2010
To begin with, a real Orthodox Jewish woman, from an Orthodox Jewish community, would not bother making an oven kosher for use if she couldn't count on her own flatmate to try to keep it kosher, or even to know what's kosher and what isn't. She wouldn't go to a swimming pool where men are allowed in at the same time. She wouldn't even hold a conversation alone with a strange man on a rooftop. We're given to understand that the heroine of this film isn't the typical Orthodox Jewish woman anyway, because she likes to sneak out to the movies; but obviously the real reason for her atypical behavior is that without it, the plot of the film could never occur. Also misrepresented is Reform Judaism: a Reform rabbi explains soberly about the interaction between the living and those who have passed on, and although with enough effort you could probably find a Reform rabbi who would say almost anything, I think you would look hard before you found one who claimed that the dead soul goes through experiences, and harder yet before you found one who claimed to know exactly what those experiences are. All that said, what we have here is a well acted film albeit a doubly formulaic one-- formulaic both in the progress of its love story and in its reconciliation of ostensibly incompatible ways of life.
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Loving Leah
michaelyisrael21 February 2013
I was a religious Jew once or I pretended to be, and I did crazy things like Leah do in the film. That's perhaps the reason why I identify with the movie a lot. I love the way how tradition and religion is illustrated and introduced to people unaware of Judaism. I definitely believe the writer went through a very profound research to gather the story well. Yibbum and Halitzah is mentioned in the Torah (Deuteronomy 25:5-10) and truly is no longer practiced, but the Halitzah ceremony until now exist; Like the Pidyon haben (redemption of the first born son) and many other symbolic ceremonies that are part of the Jewish culture, religion and tradition. I am glad the movie is around for all of the reason above, I loved it so much that I expended one week every night watching it.
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Sweet unusual film - but somewhat unrealistic
rivkama6 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The basic plot about a young religious widow whose unobservant brother in law decides to "fake" marry her because he misunderstands Yibum / Halitzah (which by the way -almost always Halitzah- is still practiced and the brother in law doesn't have to be single ) and feels guilty about having lost contact with his suddenly deceased Religious "rabbi" (not all religious Jews are Rabbis) brother. Leah the widow agrees because she sees it as an option to get more freedom and control over her life - her mother is pressuring her to remarry and doesn't approve of her wanting to go to collage. This part of the plot while unusual could be believable. As a religious Jew, I found an number things unrealistic or overly omitted. Firstly no mention of Jake's (or anyone's) need to say Kaddish (a prayer in affirming g-d in honor of the dead) for his brother. Little things - like when did Leah change the dishes so she could eat off them and cook in his kitchen. But most unrealistic that Leah would go to a reform synagogue and spend Shabbat with a reform Rabbi woman or not(Reform Jews do not observe the Sabbath in a way Leah would /could identify with and generally do not keep kosher). Judaism is a very family and community based religion. While Leah might have wanted more freedom and might there for have avoided the very closed orthodox type of community she came from... it is more logical and reasonable for her to join a modern orthodox -young Israel community or at lest a conservative synagogue. She apparently found kosher food stores and a kosher Chinese restaurant. Also was a lack of spiritual growth in Jake that could make the meeting of their worlds and hearts more realistic. Again the film and acting was quite good but had there been more development of the growth and changes that were bringing Leah and Jake together it could have been much ,much better.
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wow modesty!
alycia37811 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The story line wasn't full of any big surprises but the overall cleanness left my husband and me grinning for the rest of the evening. I Loved the fashionable modesty in this film..... even the non religious characters were dressed more modestly than the average cast. Except for Jake's topless moment there wasn't a lot of skin! I will recommend it to my friends who are picky about this sort of thing

Leah's choices for head coverings after she let go of her wig are inspiring for any woman who is thinking of adding this to her way of life. I usually cover my head in public and I was truly blessed to see a film whose leading lady covered head and herself yet remained well groomed and didn't lean too far to the frump.

Also, the biblical reference to Jacob and Leahs loveless marriage was fantastic. I doubt most viewers picked up on it but there it's there and that little triumph made it an even sweeter tale. Even my super manly husband said this is one we will enjoy again and again.
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Didn't realize the lifestyle
MickyG33324 May 2024
7.3 stars.

The movie feels good, so that's a start. The entertainment value is not bad, although it's a bit slow at times, but that's to be expected of a religious oriented romance story. The acting is good. Both lead characters are wonderful and full of life. She is so broken due to her circumstances. And how can this man fill the shoes of his brother? Of course he can, and he does, but it's a journey. I didn't realize looking in from the outside, how it seems the Jewish lifestyle mirrors the Amish in so many ways. At least it seems as portrayed in 'Loving Leah'. There is an obvious contradiction with it all, the mothers seem worldly in so many ways. How these religions and cultures get so mixed up in their traditions, it's really quite sad.
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turned it off
oldvicar28 May 2020
Once again a film that portrays Jewish people doing their thing is warmly received by reviewers of that religion. And yet their religion once again comes across as deeply unpleasant as it does in just about every portrayal. So if you are disgusted by the cultish brutality towards Renee Zelwegger in A Price Above Rubies or Rachels McAdams/Weisz in Disobedience then you'll find it difficult to come to terms with the absurd zeolotry that underlines the premise of the plot for this film. The film is well made though. or at least it appeared so until I turned it off after half an hour - at which point the remainder could be accurately predicted I think it's fair to say. The two leads were good, the script and supporting cast were not.
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Sweet movie
toncincin28 December 2020
Just watched it again - probably for the sixth time. It is such a sweet movie. All of the actors did a wonderful job. Lauren Ambrose is so believable in this role. She show true raw emotion. It's one I will watch over and over - and never get tired of it.
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Well worth watching
jewelch1 February 2021
The two leads have such great chemistry with each other. The way they both drove each other's storylines but at the same time they went on their own journey. It felt like the way marriage should be. I am also a huge fan of when things in life just happen a little out of order. Fate has a way of working things out and I think this movie showed that through a Jewish lens. I liked her love of her god Anybody could fall in love with this story and their willingness to compromise with each other. All around an excellent movie. Yes I recommend it. James Welch Henderson, Arkansas 01/31/2021
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Another "Feel-good" movie! (What's wrong with that?)
respighi-2700016 December 2016
"Feel-good" movies are much like the classic pop love songs of the 30's & 40's: they're aspirational---that is, such depth/perfection of love is probably not achievable, but we'd like to believe it is. Hence, why complain about realism and accuracy, as though Hollywood routinely trades in those commodities and "Loving Leah" is an exception. We want to believe it's possible and there is no harm in doing so.

That being said, this is about as well-acted a TV movie as you're likely to see: Harris Yulin as the Rabbi, Susie Essman & Mercedes Ruehl as the stereotypical yet lovable Jewish mamas, Natasha Lyonne as Leah's older sister (her wide-eyed look from the cab at the film's end is classic), Christy Pusz as Jake's girlfriend (the look on her face when she first meets Leah at the party perfectly communicates that she suddenly understands why Jake refused to let her go...), Tonye Patano cute-as-the-dickens in her small role as Emily, and, of course, Adam Kaufman terrific as Jake.

However, Lauren Ambrose IS this movie, appropriate since she plays the title character. Possessed of what my late mother called "natural beauty" (i.e. a haunting combination of outer & inner beauty), those incredible eyes communicate at least as much as her spoken lines. She is that captivating (to men) combination of fire & ice: (Jake: "You're not what I expected...'Ya got sh-punk, Kid'...Bogart"), formidable yet breakable, assertive yet unsure, a budding feminist yet desiring the love of a man. Her facial expressions when Jake first introduces her as "my wife, Leah", when she gives him that "come hither" look as they're silently standing in the doorway, at the very end when he places the ring back on her finger---all are testimonials to her superb acting ability. She is the quintessential Jewish (or Gentile, for that matter) "girl next door".

And, as an aside, the two kissing scenes between Leah & Jake are among the most tender I've ever seen---passionate yet non-sexual (yes, I realize that their first sexual encounter followed the first scene). It's so refreshing to see kissing express love rather that merely lust, where the characters start ripping one another's clothes off. None of that here---what happened in the bedroom is left to one's imagination, just as it used to be when Hollywood had a measure of restraint.

And Jeff Beal's musical score (complete with klezmer clarinet at times) adds a great deal to many scenes, even though for my tastes it is just a tad too much reminiscent of Schindler's List...

In short, feel-good movies are feel-good movies, but some are memorable and should stay around while others should not only be quickly forgotten but never should have been made in the first place. This one belongs firmly if the former category...
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Very Sweet Story
Melissaslist26 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this movie a lot. I thought Lauren Ambrose was great in the role of Leah, an orthodox Jewish woman living in brooklyn who's husband dies leaving her a widow, and according to tradition, which I've NEVER heard of that she should be encouraged to marry the brother of her dead husband so she can have children and carry on the family name.

The catch is that the living brother is extremely reformed in his ways while the deceased was extremely devout. They decide to marry, but both agree it's for convenience only and she moves to DC to live with him while he works on his medical fellowship.

She's a free spirit and is happy for the opportunity to renew herself and wants to pursue a college degree against the wishes of her mother who believes a womans role is to serve her husband and children.

What happens next is largely predictable, but it didn't bother me becuause the development of their relationship seemed to come very naturally and honestly.

What struck me most about this movie was the charming childlike innocence of Leah as she was learning this whole new life. It was as if she was an amish person who moved to the big city and had to adapt to the pace and modern ways of life in addition to trying to maintain her OWN way of life through the way she decorated her room to her cooking traditional meals and taking on wifely duties....It was like she was trying to figure out how she could merge two worlds into one.

It was a typical Hollywood ending no surprise. After all this was a hallmark hall of fame movie, but I really liked it.
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Love story that is far more
twritecontact12 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Found this only recently but it seems that its time has come. This movie can be seen as just a simple story of propinquity leading to love or a tale of Jewish customs, but it is far more. It is an subtle indicator of what we have given up in terms of community and family. Not Jewish in any form but the characters are believable in their doubts and love. I will leave it to to the observant to judge what is textually correct but no one should doubt their reaction to the characters. I wanted the movie to be far longer but that is the Hallmark tradition. Miracle it was as well produced/directed/acted as it was. All props to Lauren Ambrose who plays Leah so well. Loving Leah is a necessary reminder of the human miracle.
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Favorite Hallmark Movie.
keriannew8 January 2022
This is by far my favorite Hallmark movie. They actually let the characters show chemistry and build a romance. It's not cookie cutter and it's just really sweet.
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A Butterfly Emerges from the Death of her Husband, True and Faithful
lwmtem2 December 2015
I saw Loving Leah recently for the first time and a few times since. Lauren was faithful to the character throughout and nudged her "replacement husband" from his almost terrified responsibility to his deceased brother for the good of his brother's name and Leah. Jake seemed barely into the idea of marriage as it turned another relationship upside down in a way that was slightly comical as Jake squirmed as he dealt with the two women in his life and not being sure which way to turn. (Having know a woman co-worker years ago who lived a closely guarded with chaperons on dates and strict public and private moral behavior, I think I can in a small way understand what Leah was going through.) Leah was like a butterfly emerging from the restrictions that bound her to her faith and duty for her deceased husband and this new husband and ever so subtly made the new life inescapable for Jake who tried to carry on his own life as a doctor while being drawn into Leah's innocent charm. Leah's quiet charm had me falling in love with her too!
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In no way your typical Hallmark movie
Jackbv12322 May 2019
Of course there were flaws in this movie, but I didn't notice. Such a sweet story.

It has an unusual premise for the fake marriage, but the religious background was handled with respect. Most of the characters had real faith in God. I was slightly uncomfortable with the presumption in the plot that new ways are acceptable even when they mean rejecting the rules that have previously been followed or that are followed by more conservative people of the same faith, like shorter skirts (but also more subtle things).

Lauren Ambrose played this perfectly. I fell totally in love with Leah. Not Ambrose, but Leah. Another reviewer said she was homely, but Leah's beauty was truly from a depth inside and she was truly beautiful. Adam Kaufman and Ambrose had chemistry. Their love was believable despite the crazy situation.

There were little things done so well by the actors. Leah seeing things in Jake's room, seeing Carol's picture, later meeting Carol.

I didn't see the cause of the inevitable conflict coming, but I knew there would have to be something. I don't know if that was crazy or not, but I believed that too.

This is sappy, sugary, sentimental Hallmark at its best.
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Would definitely watch this again
tinyfeet6919 March 2018
I came across this movie quite by accident and began to watch it. Being a Hallmark romance, I kind of had an idea where this would go. However, I was pleasantly surprised and it seemed to me to be different from most other Hallmark movies. The more I watched, the more I became intrigued and wondered just what road this story would take. Although, not Jewish myself, I am always amazed about religion and how one dedicates themselves to any religion, Jewish or not. I found this element of the movie most informative and very interesting. I would love to see this movie with a bigger budget just to see a bit more romance and chemistry and story between Leah & Jake. I thought the actors were superb and suited the roles to a tee, even the supporting cast. It was great seeing Ricki Lake also. I would recommend this movie to any of my friends. It was just wonderful and left me wanting to see more of their story.
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Lesleykluchin25 November 2018
This was such a lovely story. I saw it originally when it first came out and almost a decade later went searching to find it again because it left me with a such a hauntingly beautiful memory. I have been so disappointed lately that everything on the Hallmark channel is so saccharine sweet and unrealistic. Especially during the holidays. As a Jewish woman it is so difficult to find anything about people of my faith. I was first drawn to this film because Leah is my Hebrew name. But, I found it tender, charming, and despite some of the stereotypical characters, (Like Leah's mother) the protagonists were three dimensional, real characters that gave an excellent performance with depth and sensitivity.

I wish I knew why all the Jewish characters have disappeared so completely from the Hallmark channel. In the mid 2000's their movies were about a wide range of diverse cultures and they even attempted to put out some lovely period pieces. Now it is always boy meets girl and everyone goes to a small town for Christmas.

Thankfully, they have added a few African American characters to the mix, but people of my faith have all disappeared from their programming. That is why this is such a hidden gem. I had to go to Youtube to find it again. Why can't Hallmark mysteries have a Jewish detective? Or a heroine who celebrates Chanukah now and then? I love the Hallmark channel because I like happy endings, but lately it is like I am watching the same movie over and over again. I want a little drama with unique characters that are realistic.

This film represents a woman finding herself, embracing her faith in a new found manner, exploring her intellectual capabilities and falling in love all while discovering herself. I loved it. I only wish the Hallmark channel would continue making movies this good.
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Fresh sheets for mom?
bneale-7980923 July 2021
Leah left her nightgown under the pillow when her mother visited. She didn't change the sheets for her mother? 😊
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Adore EVERYTHING about this film
skpn12327 July 2021
This film speaks to so many heartfelt themes such as forgiveness between family members, the true nature of love, the outworking of relationship with G-d in daily life and finding your 'beshert', your soulmate, your destiny. Adore the two leads and the lovely chemistry between them plus all the quirky side characters. Just an adorable and heart-warming experience all round.
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Lovely film
jewhitmer259 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this movie and I loved the opportunity to learn some about the Jewish Orthodox faith.

Lauren Ambrose as Leah and Adam Kaufman as Jake were wonderful. They had an incredible supporting cast.

The story - Jake is a Cardiac surgeon, he is Jewish but not observant, one night his brother, an Orthodox Rabbi, appears in his dream. The next day he learns that his brother Benjamin has died.

After his brothers funeral , Rabbi Belsky informs Jake and Leah of the Jewish practice of the levirate marriage, where when the oldest brother dies childless the next brother is obligated by Deuteronomy 25:5 to marry his brothers widow. Leah and Jake agree they do not want that. Leah wants to go to college and Jake has a girlfriend and bachelor life that he is comfortable with. There is a very specific ritual necessary for getting out of this obligation. They must wait 3 months to make sure she is not pregnant. However when the Rabbi tells Jake he must deny the existence of his brother. He cannot do that to the brother he loved, so he and Leah agree to a sham marriage. And so it goes.

Thank you Hallmark for making this film, it was a wonderful taste of the Jewish religion as practiced in an Orthodox synagogue.

My advise - watch this movie.
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Old Fashion Love Story
ruthielombardi17 September 2020
I am an Italian girl that grew up in an Italian/ Jewish neighborhood. I had the best of both worlds as far as food with Italian and Jewish Bakeries and Deli"s on every other block.This movie was an old fashioned love story and brought bake many memories of my neighborhood and friends that were Jewish and could not do certain things because of their Faith. I enjoyed this movie so very much and would watch it again. Loved it!!!🇮🇹🙏
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