Make-up special effects artist William Palitti took several hours to apply the Egg-Man make-up to actor Brian Briggs during pre-production and the first few days of shooting. By the end of the shoot he trimmed that time to just over an hour.
The Producers spent months developing the original Egg-man look with creature creators in Northern California. As principle photography got closer and final tests of the suit were viewed, the filmmakers were so dissatisfied with the final look that they delayed the start of the shoot and designed a new look for Charles.
The original look of Charles was to be a Humpty Dumpty type suit that actor Brian Briggs would climb inside of and have make-up applied to his face, arms and legs.
The summer-time shoot became so hot at times that while shooting the schoolhouse scenes, the Egg-man make-up effects kept melting off the actors face. Tenperatures reached almost 107 that day.
The idea of "Hatched" and the character of Charles the Egg-man came to Producer Brian Briggs in a dream. Briggs called Director Joshua B. Porter to pitch the idea, who took a liking to the character and story immediately.