A slackers "SMOKING ACES". A lot of degenerate violent drug fueled slackers are descending on this flea-bag motel room to do devil-meant mayhem and murder and revenge.
If you like slacker films you'll love this film. If you like Heist films you'll love this film. If you love "BRITISH GANGSTER" films. If you love independent films, you'll love this film. If you like racially diverse films, you'll love this film. You'll love this film.
Back when I was a yute, there were these tripp'n films, psychedelic films that you were supposed to watch while high. They had a lot of kaleidescope stuff and violence which were supposed to make your trip betta. This is one. It starts off psychedelic and choppy, even the death of his parents is shot at funny angles and colors. By the time it feathers down he's trying to sell his buddies "butt" to the guy HINDU hotel clerk. Who comes out to the car to inspect the goods and get some weed.
When he tells his partner not to blare the music because he's going to torture and kill a guy in the hotel and they don't need to draw attention to themselves. Cut to the dork in the US forestry shirt and his cute as a button (bruised) girlfriend. That seem to be traveling the country killing workers and stealing their name tags. You start to suspect that law-enforcement shirt was gotten at a second hand store and some-where a forestry ranger is buried in a shallow grave.
One of the things I love about British gangster films is the diverse myriad of characters, who all end-up being scum-bags same here. Some characters are introduced and disappear for ever and your left wondering did I miss something?
A lot of pot-head spent a lot of time coming out with the tripped out video game and attention to details. the films so real the acting is so real, and the drug dealers pad is so real it'll give you cotton-mouth.