In Ghost Dude Adventures a group of dudes set out to document evidence of the supernatural by shouting at it. The locations they visit are quite interesting but the host is just an absolute tool and after a while his constant shouting and repetition of the word 'dude' starts to grate.
Most people watch these shows because they'd like to see some evidence but you won't get any here. Their EVP's sound like nothing and are frequently ruined by them shouting over everything.
Their Halloween show was unbelievable. They were running around an asylum shouting abuse and "challenging the ghosts". Then you'd get a segment about how awfully these people were treated and how they died in misery. Then back to the shouting. At one point they think they hear a woman screaming, this is their reaction - word for word: "Dude! I heard a woman screaming! High five, high five!"
The live show also featured a 'ghost trap' (guess if it worked or not), that swinger looking couple that seem to pop up on every ghost show and best of all a guy in a cowboy hat blatantly throwing something and then pretending it had been snatched out of his hand. At least they had the good sense to disown him on the next episode.
Awful show. They should have called it Ghost Hunting on Steroids.