In 2021, director Riad Sattouf, turned lead actor Vincent Lacoste's experiences making the film into a comic book titled "Le Jeune Acteur" ("The Young Actor")
Three days before filming, lead actor Vincent Lacoste broke his knee at a music concert, so his resulting limp was incorporated to his character in the film.
Director Riad Sattouf chose to cast first-time actors for the 24 teenage roles, auditioning 500 candidates over three months in the process. While most never acted again, lead actor Vincent Lacoste went on to become a major star in France.
Directing and screenwriting debut for comic book writer & artist Riad Sattouf. As he also appears in the film, it also makes his acting debut. Producer Anne-Dominique Toussaint had enjoyed his comic book "Retour au Collège" ("Back to High School") and gave him total freedom to write a teen movie.
Was filmed in eight weeks.