This literally feels like another cake wars type show, which Food Network already has an abundance of, they just slapped a Candy Land skin on it to make it more appealing. If you're unfamiliar with the concept, it's teams competing to create food based works of art (usually with a food sampler along the way to demonstrate that they actually can bake). It gets dull fast. High end cake decorating hit it's peak over ten years ago, and perhaps some people are still taken aback by edible (but actually largely inedible) art cakes, it does nothing for me, I'd much rather see people cook or make real food. Also whatever deal they made with Hasbro for the Candy Land license has them awkwardly talking about their Candy Land memories (much of which feels forced/artificial and made up on the spot). Many of the contestants have been taken from other Food Network shows, that's not uncommon, but I wish they would recruit fresh talent. I especially wish they'd stop allowing Reva on, she's such a nasty person, she's always screaming at her teammates no matter what show she's on. She's terribly egotistical, and her talents do not match her ego. I once saw her on a gingerbread show where she totally sabotaged her team leader. Nobody likes this woman, children should not be subjected to her rude and selfish antics! Give her the boot.