The used bookstore is called The Equinox, which is the same name as a volume of books, first printed in 1909, on magick [magic] by Aleister Crowley; The synonym magick is an archaic spelling of 'magic' used during the Renaissance and revived by Aleister Crowley to differentiate occult magic from stage magic.
June the 8th 1997 fell on a Sunday.
"I'm leaving", "What. On a jet plane?" is said, the relevance and reference to "...a jet plane" is taken from the 1969 song ""Leaving on a Jet Plane" by John Denver.
Easter Island in mentioned, and is a territory of Chile situated in the south-eastern Pacific Ocean. The island is famous for its surviving monumental statues, called moai, which were created by the early Rapa Nui people. The name "Easter Island" was given by Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen [1659 - 1729], who encountered it on Easter Sunday on the 5th of April 1722.