My sisters watch this show, and as a result, I have to at times. The subject of these episodes can be very varied, and I would say that compared to their old YouTube channel, this show is much more educational, and as someone who finished tenth grade, I see things being taught on here that I've actually learned not too long ago. If you want Ryan to teach your kid the exact chemistry of crystal candies or how to make a volcano, you definitely might see that kind of crazy stuff here.
I find it quite an accomplishment for Ryan and his family that they have now gotten a whole TV show, but my biggest concern among any criticism I could give this show is: Does Ryan still enjoy doing this? This kid is almost ten years old and he is making videos to entertain kids much younger than him, probably taking up a lot of time of his childhood. When he was like 4 or 5, he started as just playing with toys in front of a screen, which I bet he really enjoyed! Now, he is basically a celebrity and I am concerned if he truly still enjoys running this show, but we may never know.