The story revolves around a family living in a really old mansion in Old Dhaka. Aslam, an almost-of-adulthood man who is always teased of not finding success in the academic field.
Story 1 : Aslam's childhood friend/neighbor, Juglu, called him average, so Aslam used Juglu's funny nickname. Story 2 : Aslam's cousin, Munmun comes to his house after a long time. Bahar and Pran both fall in love with her.
Story 1 : Bahar and Pran both love the same person but they are too shy to tell. Story 2 : Aslam, being the family disappointment, gets underestimated by every man in the house. His grandfather hands Aslam an envelope and he leaves.
Story 1 : Aslam returns home after a day and is a complete changed man, everyone is shocked to see him. Story 2 : Bahar talks to Munmun's brother about his wedding with Mummun, but little did he know Pran loves the same women.
Story 1 : Pran and Bahar disclose the fact that they love the same women and are very confused about it. Story 2 : Aslam now has a lot of money and a beautiful business administrator, he also talks to Munmun about her choice of the groom.
The both brothers decide that the oldest one will marry Munmun. But Bahar's age is twice as Munmun. So Aslam decided to set up a fake ex-boyfriend of Munmun to stop the wedding. By that Aslam proves everyone is wrong.