1 review
If you are somewhat like me and get tired of watching the same old news or the soaps, and fancy some intellectual viewing then this is simply perfect. It is light-hearted (Richard is just so smooth), with stunning visuals of impressive structures. To add to this, it is also suitable for your kids as well (if you are fed up with how ridiculous cartoons have devolved into nonsense); so when you sit down to watch you may find all the family also interested. The 'connections' are linked to various inventions that your kids may well have previously asked about at the dining table, and this lends itself to a Brainiac style experiment to support each link. You finish each episode a little for the wiser, and it stirs up many more questions from your kids (all good).
As I was saying, it is nicely balanced for most age groups; and the Engineering marvels are sufficiently varied to want you wanting more. Brilliant.
As I was saying, it is nicely balanced for most age groups; and the Engineering marvels are sufficiently varied to want you wanting more. Brilliant.