This is a simple story on kind people: Jean tries his best to live his life as a good person. When he describes his mason's job, we understand he likes it deeply and is quietly proud of it. His simplicity moves the teacher and the watchers. She invites him to see a problematic window in her flat. This change of window is like a symbol of what will be happening to them: Jean asks her to play the violin for him, and music will bring him elsewhere, beyond his today's limits -the classical music itself plays an important part, Jean is deeply moved by this discovery too, not only because she is playing the music herself-. This moment is for me a pure beauty. On her side, she is also brought to a new area in her life where there is someone who loves when she plays music, who is eager to learn and to open himself, someone who cares about others and about her: this is building confidence in her and adds a new depth in her interest in people and in life, although we understand there will be pain for both of them!No one wants to hurt any one around! The choice will have to be done and these good people will prefer being hurt themselves than their beloved around. When Jean asks her to accept and play the violin for his father' birthday party, he is so straightforward, so daring for a simple -nearly shy- person, that it seems clear he has reached also a new confidence, he has gone behind the window. We also think about what is exactly loving someone: Jean' wife understands so simply it means letting the other one be happy, grow and develop himself without trying to pressure him and use guilt. She is also building a new confidence in her husband and thus in life... This moment has been a very fulfilling for me: thank you Monsieur Brize!