In the original Malayalam version, Katha Parayumbol, Mukesh's character, the college tutorial was featured. Here in the Tamil version, Director P.Vasu has opted that character out for the remake and replaced it by adding in actor Prabhu as the bodyguard of Rajnikanth
The song 'Cinema Cinema' commemorates the 75th anniversary of Telugu cinema. Archival footage of famous superstar actors N. T. Rama Rao (popularly "NTR"), Akkineni Nageswara Rao ("ANR"), M. G. Ramachandran ("MGR"), and Rajkumar are shown with each chorus of this song. The verse alternates between clips shot of an actual movie crew filming on location, intercut with real-life superstar actor Rajnikanth - who plays a fictional superstar actor in this film - spoofing blockbuster movies such as Zorro, Lawrence of Arabia, House of Flying Daggers, and the James Bond series.
The film was simultaneously made in Telugu as "Kathanayakudu" with a slightly different cast.
The dubbed Hindi version did not have a theatrical release in British Columbia,Canada.
Film was made in Hindi as Billu (2009) with Shahrukh Khan,Irfan Khan and Lara Dutt.