An animated sitcom set in a imaginary breakfast city, Being the first slice of a bread loaf in breakfast city. Being the first slice of a bread loaf in the city, Osmar faces a crusty life fi... Read allAn animated sitcom set in a imaginary breakfast city, Being the first slice of a bread loaf in breakfast city. Being the first slice of a bread loaf in the city, Osmar faces a crusty life filled with challenges. His friend Stevie, a nutty baguette, often gets them into trouble as... Read allAn animated sitcom set in a imaginary breakfast city, Being the first slice of a bread loaf in breakfast city. Being the first slice of a bread loaf in the city, Osmar faces a crusty life filled with challenges. His friend Stevie, a nutty baguette, often gets them into trouble as he tries to help Osmar get noticed by Josie, the fluffy sweet neighbor.