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The Union (2024) Poster


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It's funny because it's bad
midtownwarriors18 August 2024
This movie is a candidate for Riff Trax or MST3K! One hour and forty plus minutes of Marky Mark being confused. You can play a drinking game for every time he asks a question or says $#it. 90% of his script is a question!

Decent production quality, shot well, generic soundtrack, ok action, but boy does the dialogue stink! Very cliche and unimaginative writing.

Characters are predictable and even the A list actors are hard to digest, it's just not very good and is background noise as I write this review.

So if you want to Netflix and chill, press play and commence to a couch party with your partner about 30 minutes in.
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The plot must have been written by AI.
paul-carlier24 August 2024
A truly awful film and a waste of a talented cast. The plot must have been written by AI. It had every cliched plot point you could imagine; the ordinary man becoming a hero; spy stuff; the beautiful ex-girlfriend; action; a foreign location. It wasn't even funny, just grim.i gritted my teal and slogged through it. I'd like to say that there were some interesting plot points that could have been done better it expanded upon, but that wasn't the case. I appreciate that companies such as Netflix need content to keep their subscribers happy, but the quality needs to be much better, even if it takes longer to produce.
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Undemanding, instantly forgettable
andrew-659-15293316 August 2024
Picturesque locations, good production values, some good actors and Mark Wahlberg, but nothing memorable. Perfect moving wallpaper to glance at occasionally while scrolling on your phone. Essentially it's a string of comfortable cliches strung together in a predictable sequence, designed to make you forget to cancel your Netflix subscription. Halle Berry looks better than ever, JK Simmons doesn't break a sweat using one of his 'grizzled' character templates.

The UK setting is puzzling because apart from the scenery it's almost wall-to-wall Americans doing American things in American ways. The Slovenian locations look beautiful but, again, they have no impact on the plot, which could easily have been generated by ChatGPT with a very short prompt.
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oh dear lord
anuyahong18 August 2024
I didn't expect much, just some silly movie for a relaxing sunday evening without much to think.

Unfortunately I expected too much. Way too much.

There is nothing good about it: Boring story you have seen a dozend of times already. The usual "big" surprises. Halle is really, really bad, even for her standard. Mark ist just... Mark. The dialogues are embarassing. It gets worse when they try to be funny or cool. Which they unfortunately try a lot.

Don't ask for the "action".

It is so bad that I am willing to spend even more time with it writing this review to save at least some of you from this.

But try for yourself: Just watch the intro. If you think that is cool and funny, you can continue. If that is bad for you as well, stop immediately - it won't get any better.
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Not Awful but ...
posti-215-23155021 August 2024
Well ... I found myself playing mindless games on my phone half way through, keeping a half an eye on the movie.

First the pros: the action sequences were pretty good. (Sorry, it's a short list) Cons: very little chemistry between the leads, I made the bad guy immediately (and if I did, why didn't the international super-spy?) and it just wasn't even believable enough to allow the suspension of disbelief needed for movies of this genre. One example: I suspect that secret agents do everything they can to blend in, rather than dressing like a cross between catwoman and action Barbie, with eye-catching hair.

Anyways ... not objectionable but with the resources obviously available, just feel like this could have been done way better.
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Saw That Coming
axeman_z16 August 2024
It has become painfully clear that Hollywood is short on good writing. This movie has a ton of story to work with but instead flushes it down the toilet. To be clear it is a stylish action flick, it looks really pretty and the action scenes are fun to watch. The problem however is that the flick has employed an impressive number of A-list actors and gave them poop scripts. The only person that had any decent lines was J. K. Simmons, all the rest of the cast was wasted on a doo-doo script. It wouldn't be out of place to say this has been done before, and a lot better than this. After the plot was explained it was painfully obvious they just copy and pasted bits and pieces from other espionage movies to get this stylish looking thing on screens. It's too bad really, the story could have been worked into something much better than what the end result was. This is a watch and make fun of it while it plays movie, that could have been so much more.
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Great action, great actors, poor script
thetruthunlimited17 August 2024
For a Netflix movie it had big screen action and actors and great locations. Very cool to finally see Berry and Wahlberg doing something together - on-screen professionals doing what they do best, make it look so easy and believable which redeems the weak script. You kinda wonder, if they are throwing all this money into big names and big action, why wouldn't they do better with the script and storyline? Script and storyline 3/10, actors, action and locations 8/10. So this gets an overall 6.

Found the scene blowing up the BBC BT Tower in London amusing and interesting (given that I'm a Londoner). What would London actually do if that happened!! Wowzers.
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How to be a spy in 2 weeks?
chand-suhas18 August 2024
Mike McKenna is happy with his life where he is having an affair with his seventh grade teacher and doesn't feel he has been held back while all his peers have moved onto better lives. Roxanne is an agent working for the Union and her mission goes south where she loses her team as well as the asset they were to protect. She recruits Mike to the Union, who is also her ex and he is trained in 2 weeks to be a spy. Their mission together is to retrieve a suitcase containing sensitive information. As they travel all over Europe, what secrets they uncover and how do they safeguard the suitcase, forms rest of the story.

Straight up, this spy action film was just not good. Mark Wahlberg and Halle Berry do not have the chemistry to make the supposed love story work. The uninteresting writing, poor screenplay which doesn't care how predictable the twists are, simply doesn't give the film a chance to work. Infront of this, the Korean film Mission: Cross is looking like a solid entertainer, considering I watched them back to back. The dialogues ranged from forgettable to cringey and I wondered what did the main leads or even J. K. Simmons see in it that made them want to sign the film.
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How to make Halle Berry Unattractive
CJames-4698617 August 2024
Halle was hot in Wick, yet I don't know how they did it, but her walk was bad, her acting was bad, her fighting was bad, and her look and wardrobe was just awful. Mark was his usual good acting but even he couldn't do a whole lot with this movie. Fight scenes were sub-par, dialogue was cheesy and everything was so done before. I even stopped the movie to go take a walk. If I had had anything else to do I would not have finished it, but I didn't so ended up watching the rest and nothing about my initial perception changed. To sum up, if you have literally anything else to do go do it, otherwise set your bar low and enjoy.
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Great cast, poor action drama
amandaobst-0930518 August 2024
I was excited at the start to see the cast involved in this flick. Few funny bits at the start...then the action started. It was all downhill from there. Poor action scenes, non-believable, no longer funny and backgrounds effects pretty amateur. The acting grew poorer and poorer, even the extras when they walked off the train. It seemed like everyone was just working too hard, it was unnatural. At 41 minutes into the movie, I started scrolling through Facebook and realized I had lost all interest. So I started watching again and it didn't improve. For an action movie it really didn't hit the mark on any level for me.
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The most stupid movie of the year
marcovinicio-7492118 August 2024
Few things went wrong with this movie, like she puts a tracker on him and follows him... where did she put it if he has a different set of clothes the next scene?

They jump from a brinde to a boat on the river Thames then they climb back the bridge, and never get wet....

He calls his friends from a bar in London at night, and is also the same time in New Jersey

He is a "nobody that with two weeks of training is better than all the other agents.

He is 47

The whole premise of the movie is stupid, not funny even, it is difficult to understand if it is a spy movie or a comedy, who orders this movies and what demographic is it intended to.

Don't waste your time watching, no wonder why never made it to the cinemas.
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Good Fun & Entertaining
marendancer16 August 2024
I don't know why there are negative reviews as I though it was good fun and enjoyed every minute of it. Good actors and a half decent plot with some Tom Cruise moves. They don't pretend to be a James Bond thriller but I gave it 8 points for entertainment. If you want to watch a fast, fun and engaging movie give this one a watch. Halle Berry is her usual beautiful and charming self and Mark Walberg is his likeable and engaging self. I was happy to see A. K. Simmons in the cast who is always a winning character as far as I'm concerned and also Mike Colter ( a favourite of mine from Luke Cage). Watch it and I think you'll enjoy it!
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Light entertainment
imdb-0758016 August 2024
All the corn. All the "spy" "NOC list" cliché.

Wahlberg has an ability to play deep characters and shallow characters. This one aims at the latter.

Quite an impressive cast, but this is not something to watch for deep character development.

Something to kill time. I'm assuming it is direct-to-Netflix.

It's a slapstick action movie with a few chuckles, and a car chase that would make John Frankenheimer slap himself in the face (RIP).

No complicated Sweet Baby Inc. Stuff to try and decipher, just straight-up people saving the world again.

Kick off the shoes and travel back to a time when entertainment was meant to entertain.
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Predictable mindless action movie.
udjdrouillet16 August 2024
So not even 5 minutes into the movie, and you can already tell who the villain is, and how the movie most likely will end.

Unfortunately I was right.

It was way too predictable, some bad acting and emotions not making sense on the situations.

Choices and decisions that wouldn't make any sense at all, especially not from a so-called agency.

Don't get me wrong, it's a fun mindless watch and you should just turn off your brain, grab some chips and a beer and just watch together as a family. But other then that, it's not a movie I'd recommend. It doesn't stand out, fails to suprise or amaze, and honestly it felt long.

So if you're looking for something entertaining to watch as a family, than sure this movie will do.

However if you really want to watch something that drags you in, having you wonder what will happen next or suprise you, then skip this one.
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Waste of time
Moe_Wishah18 August 2024
We know that sometimes studios and streaming companies have to produce cliché movies, but not this type of cliché, This was terrible like not even worth your time even if you're trying to pass time. Acting is terrible and I am so sick and tired of American low budget stories choosing the same people to be the bad guys. It's starting to feel like some sort of a propaganda that some entity wants to force people.

I'm extremely disappointed at how bad the testing was not to mention that extremely low budget screenplay and script. How could Mark Wahlberg even accept such a role? Halle Berry and even the movements of people and the movie were so slow and heavy.
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How did this happen
WeWatchMovies17 August 2024
Well it doesn't warrant a 1 star but it certainly is t worthy of a 4 star so we are going with a 3 star. Morning was the writing bad and actually probably just another script from another of this same type of movie recycled, but the acting and direction were atrocious. Seriously how does Halle berry take this serious after doing a great job in the third John Wick, she's too old to look savvy or pull off much less come across as a badarse spy!!! Mark walberg always has some good some bad so I'm not as appalled by his job, the stars are for JK Simmons, what little part he played but also detracts a star for actually taking the part. I normally love Mike coulter but this movie was just silly and repetitive and juvenile trying to be something it's not, so if you want to watch a joke (maybe it's a sarcastic comedy) then go for it, you can do laundry and house cleaning while it's on and not cringe every 5 seconds at dialogue or makeup/hair, costumes or non cheeky one liners that never hit the mark. And the action? Hahahahaha!
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It was cute
sabrinaharnish5 September 2024
It was cute but, I'm glad that I just watched it on Netflix on a weeknight.

It wasn't perfect but, I'm glad I didn't pay theatre prices to see it.

There were plot holes and implausible scenarios and I suppose, if one is watching this kind of movie starring MW, plot isn't really what you are watching the movie for.

My husband remarked that maybe HB was a bit past it for this movie and it may sound ageist but, I don't disagree.

JK Simmons was the best part of this movie and they under utilized Lorraine Braco as MW's mom and didn't even give her enough lines.

They gave it an open ending but, I highly doubt that they will make another one.
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Waste of time
sami200518 August 2024
The movie is nothing short of trivial, and it shows the level of emptiness, triviality, lack of new ideas, and bankruptcy of actors, directors, and producers that Hollywood has reached. We are tired of stories about intelligence agencies and their pursuit of people with illogical and trivial stories. There is nothing new, no plot, no direction, and trivial and boring jokes. Honestly, I wasted my precious time watching this nonsense. Mark Wahlberg should retire, it's time for him to act in this movie if there is no new plot for him to act in. Halle Berry is very bad in this movie, her level has really dropped. I am surprised that Simmons was satisfied with this bad movie.
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A surprisingly good lazy afternoon weekend action flick
Neel_H17 August 2024
If anyone want to spend their lazy Saturday afternoon watching a good action flick, then I'll suggest The Union (2024) on Netflix.

The movie surprised me. Because I went in with very little hope. I thought "it's going to be just another Hollywood spy action flick." But no! To my surprise, it wasn't just another Hollywood spy action flick, it was actually good.

Honestly! The plot is not something unheard of. It's the age old same plot line. A mission goes wrong,things get messy and an on duty agent hires a simple life living person to go undercover and from there on things just go wrong one after another.

We all have seen the same plotline a thousand times now. But! What makes this movie different is the story. The writer's have done an amazing job.

Not one's you'll feel like "oh! Wait I've seen this" Or "oh! I know what's coming next".

Yes! It's not ghost protocol good but it's still good and watchable.
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Not good
jamesshi9916 August 2024
Going into this action/comedy movie, I knew nothing about it and my expectation was extremely low. Maybe too low but I felt this movie started out OK. Things made sense but it went South (way South) very very quickly. Everything was sub-par ranging from action scenes to acting, and it was really getting painful to watch toward the end. There was no climax whatsoever. Thank God I was not watching this in the movie theater!

Unless you have watched everything on Netflix (which I was told simply impossible), please skip this one. You have not missed much and glad that you have followed my advice.
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Borrows Heavily From Other Movies, But Fun
slightlymad2221 August 2024
I just watched The Union on Netflix

It's very much in the vein of movies like Knight & Day, The Killers and Central Intelligence. Even an old classic like the Mel Gibson, Goldie Hawn movie, Bird On A Wire. So if you liked those movies. You may like this.

There is plenty of action, but not much else. It steals a lot from other movies and is pretty routine and cliche. You can see the twists coming a mile away, but there is some fun to be had.

Mark Whalberg and Halle Berry give it a game go, but they have no sexual chemistry. JK Simmons is always a fun actor to watch and there are some impressive set pieces.

All in all, I didn't hate it and it passed the two hours quickly. I'd say it is worth a one time watch.
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What the hell did I just watch?!
siderite21 August 2024
I have a weakness for Mark Wahlberg and I want to see him succeed in something else than underwear ads, I don't like Halle Berry and I think she should have never become an actress, but look here: J. K. Simmons, Mike Colter, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Jackie Earle Haley! How can you get together this cast, a big budget, and care so damn little?!

You have seen this film dozens of times. I don't mean this category of films, but this exact film! Only it was other actors, other McGuffins, other places, but the same exact story: good looking nobody gets dragged into high stakes spy stuff, the spies are more good looking and flashy than any good at what they are doing, especially shooting moving targets, there is some romance that ooh feels a bit illicit, but then why would you need romance to bring that vibe into an action movie, there are quips and socially awkward situations, a lot of faceless stunt actors that get hurt, there is an obvious twist, an obvious villain and an obvious outcome. And it lasts for almost two hours!

No, the longer I think about it, the less stars remain, so I'd better end this now. But what a pointless total waste of time and money! This kind of film should be demonetized by law.
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Make a Part 2!
omar-rivera17 August 2024
Yo! Haters ain't gonna make me join em! Halle Berry and Mark Wahlberg in an action comedy on Netflix? C'mon! The chemistry is there! I need more of this! We need more of this! Action packed in every way! The romantic parts were kinda there, but good enough.

I mean really, I've seen plenty of action films before. Mainly action comedies plenty times, but this one feels more special to me. Because both actors Halle Berry and Mark Wahlberg have the chemistry I never thought I would somehow see taking place.

J. K. Simmons also makes a believable boss, making me laugh a few times. Not because of his beard. It's just the way he is in this movie.

So please, check this movie out on Netflix! Screw the haters and those useless critics. Entertainment is for the joyful ones.
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Pricey, usually forgettable, but not much boring or low-quality.
Robi194616 August 2024
Despite increasingly absurd story twists and an endless vehicle pursuit in Croatia, The Union maintains a fun tempo of information, mission, fighting, and romance for the great majority of its one hour and forty-seven-minute duration.

As one might anticipate, Wahlberg plays the everyday Joe, while Berry proves that she's more than just an Oscar-winning actress-she's a formidable cinematic badass. The movie moves along with ease and grace. Nothing in the proceedings should be taken too seriously, as demonstrated by scenes like Mike's humorous phone conversations with his seemingly omniscient mother (Lorraine Bracco, who gets laughs in her limited screen time), which are part of the winking self-awareness that runs throughout Joe Barton and David Guggenheim's screenplay.
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There Comes a Time...
....when actors can get a bit too old to do action movies. I loved Halle Berry in John Wick, but her action sequences in this movie made her look stiff and old and slow. When we've seen her do action in X-Men and even Cat Woman, it's sadly clear that the lady, amazing as ever to look at, is beyond those high energy action flicks.

I enjoy Mark Wahlberg in just about anything I've ever seen him in. He can always hold his own, but the script didn't give him, or anyone else, much to hold on to.

I'd be pretty put out if I had gone to a movie theater to see this movie. Since it was on Netflix, I don't feel too bad. At least I can still rewatch the Great British Baking Show to balance out my losses.

Normally, I don't punch like this, but when you have a cast of truly A-list actors, you expect something worth giving 105 minutes of your life to, that you can never get back.... Italy was pretty.
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