Basically, if you've seen the first one, you've seen this one. Lines are the same, acting may be a little less wooden given how much the cast has played these same characters by now, and any faults the first one had, this one has.
That aside, the movie is gorgeous, more so if you've seen the original a few times. Not quite Innocence, but close. The new CG scenes aren't disjointing as they are only in places one would expect them, and the new dubbing is solid.
Even though one can tell the cg was added as an after thought, it doesn't detract from the score, which is redone. From what I could tell, it is all newly recorded and rearranged, especially the theme, and is a step above and beyond the original score. Sound effects are great if subtle as well.
The movie is still extremely sensory minded, and that is what this is for. It is gorgeous to watch and to listen to, but does not act a replacement for the original. They both have a place on the same shelf.