18 reviews
For those following the reviews there IS a Bobby on pythons through state contracted python hunters. They're paid $50 for the first 4 feet and another $25 a foot after that. But the shiw does seem staged. I follow one of the cast members off set and his hunting off set is nothing like it is on set. I guess that's how all these shows make their money to pay for airing and pay the cast members though. Gotta spice things up a little bit. It would be nice to see a show similar to this one that is 100% not staged though. I feel like they do too much yelling ac dancing around when they get a snake lol. But I do like all the cast members and they are good at what they do so .... spiced up or not I guess I'll keep watching it.
- blakechoate-97457
- May 17, 2023
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Why do they advertise as "last day of the season" when there is absolutely no season on Burmese pythons in Florida? It is an invasive species which should never have happened except for idiots who brought the snakes into this country and then didn't take measures to insure that they didn't escape from their custody. It should have been criminalized to have ownership of them in the first place. They need to be hunted, shot and eradicated by any means necessary. They've all but killed the native species in the Everglades. Once a species gets out of control the usual measures of "humane" capture shouldn't apply. The population of pythons in the Everglades should be ZERO.
It shows these snakes weighing 100s of pounds and it's all incorrect. I say this because it shows one person hold two or three bags of snakes at a time and if the weights were right that person would be holding 200 to 300 pounds in one hand. If any of them can do that I really want to see it done so get out 200 lbs of dead weight and show that person pick it up then I will believe the weights. Yall did this on the first year of episodes on the gator hunting and yall were wrong then to saw will supposedly pick up a 250 pound gator with one hand yea right. So stop with the weights or otherwise prove the weights by weighing the snakes on tv.
Love the show!! One suggestion, why don't you use a branch with a fork on it to pin the head down to catch the snakes so you don't get bitten.
- cherylanderson-60915
- Jan 7, 2021
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This is History's rip of Discovery's "Guardians of the Glades", but without Dusty Crums crew, the proudly redneck humour, or Brittany Borges infectious enthusiasm.
First, as others have said, the weights are total nonsense. One dude walks around with a "135lb" snake wrapped around his arm. Uh huh, sure.
Second, probably more importantly, I think the entire execution of this show is totally fictional.
For example: On one episode, two of the guys go to a "bomb shelter deep in the glades".
Okay, so that shelter is actually in Fort Pierce, far north of the glades, and is actually about 20yds from the Florida Turnpike. It was an AT&T communications bunker (you can see "communications" above the door) and was sold sometime between 2013 and 2017 to a data center startup called "Data Shelter" (google it, they have a website with pics and everything). So could this bunker have snakes in it? Technically, sure, but I am 99% sure those snakes were put there for those guys to find. Additionally, the Data Shelter company is clearly peddling a vaporware product as it's been 3+ years since they "announced" what they were doing and it's clearly still full of random crap from the cold war, standing water and other stuff you don't see in an active commecial construction zone, much less anything resembling a "data center" (I would know, believe me).
How about another example: In one episode two of the guys have their snake bags "stolen" by mysterious strangers in a buggy who then drop the bags and run when Dude 1 comes running up at them. This is on a trail that is supposedly abandoned and those two dudes had just encountered a random stranger in a buggy who gave them a "hot tip" on where to find a special bounty. The entire thing reeks of being semi-scripted and plays more like a video game scenario than anything that would happen in real life.
Anyway, it's still mildly entertaining (the yelling "OHH!" every time a snake tries to bite them is a little annoying), it just isn't real.
Second, probably more importantly, I think the entire execution of this show is totally fictional.
For example: On one episode, two of the guys go to a "bomb shelter deep in the glades".
Okay, so that shelter is actually in Fort Pierce, far north of the glades, and is actually about 20yds from the Florida Turnpike. It was an AT&T communications bunker (you can see "communications" above the door) and was sold sometime between 2013 and 2017 to a data center startup called "Data Shelter" (google it, they have a website with pics and everything). So could this bunker have snakes in it? Technically, sure, but I am 99% sure those snakes were put there for those guys to find. Additionally, the Data Shelter company is clearly peddling a vaporware product as it's been 3+ years since they "announced" what they were doing and it's clearly still full of random crap from the cold war, standing water and other stuff you don't see in an active commecial construction zone, much less anything resembling a "data center" (I would know, believe me).
How about another example: In one episode two of the guys have their snake bags "stolen" by mysterious strangers in a buggy who then drop the bags and run when Dude 1 comes running up at them. This is on a trail that is supposedly abandoned and those two dudes had just encountered a random stranger in a buggy who gave them a "hot tip" on where to find a special bounty. The entire thing reeks of being semi-scripted and plays more like a video game scenario than anything that would happen in real life.
Anyway, it's still mildly entertaining (the yelling "OHH!" every time a snake tries to bite them is a little annoying), it just isn't real.
Get a machete and cut the heads off? They need to be alive for what? Are they relocating them? Be real.
- fuzzynuts-63902
- Feb 6, 2021
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- donaldduck-16508
- Apr 26, 2023
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I watched Guardians of the Glades and was sad to see it didn't return after Dusty's accident. But him being back in action on Serpent Invasion really makes this show one of my favorites. I really hope they keep this show going, and keep Dusty doing what he does best. You can definitely tell he is the best snake hunter there out there.
Granted, a lot of the wrangling that takes place is surely meant to make the captures more exciting, but it's interesting to see just how bad the Python invasion is affecting the Everglades. The devastation of Florida's wildlife by these snakes is just a tragedy to witness.
One thing I will say is that Zak on this show is such an overacter, it really gets a little annoying at times. The way he gets so excited, screaming like a sissy girl is jusy too much. But other than that, I don't really mind the excessive excitement during the captures. But all of the cast could stand to tone it down a bit.
Overall, it's great show if you like shows like this.
Granted, a lot of the wrangling that takes place is surely meant to make the captures more exciting, but it's interesting to see just how bad the Python invasion is affecting the Everglades. The devastation of Florida's wildlife by these snakes is just a tragedy to witness.
One thing I will say is that Zak on this show is such an overacter, it really gets a little annoying at times. The way he gets so excited, screaming like a sissy girl is jusy too much. But other than that, I don't really mind the excessive excitement during the captures. But all of the cast could stand to tone it down a bit.
Overall, it's great show if you like shows like this.
I'm confused they say the snakes are big and they say they weigh a lot but yet they carry them with one hand and don't look very big compared to their bodies the anaconda was a big snake at least 1314 foot. None of the pythons that they've caught are that big it took both men to carry it and yet they're picking up the snakes with one hand and lifting them over their heads with no problem.
Either I'm crazy or they're the strongest man in the world. And they say that they get four to $500 for the Snakes I don't see how that's possible either Florida does not allow you to claim pythons for money.
Either I'm crazy or they're the strongest man in the world. And they say that they get four to $500 for the Snakes I don't see how that's possible either Florida does not allow you to claim pythons for money.
- mdcookiemonster
- Jan 30, 2023
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A suggestion. Use one of those clear plastic police shields when facing the snake. The snake should strike the shield thus no one will be bitten.
- dlhanson-30931
- Jan 21, 2021
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- Leothewise
- Nov 26, 2020
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Overall, good show. I like all the hunters except Tes; She is so arrogant, she does one thing and mentions it 3 times. The way she walks, sits, or talks, shows how fake her confidence is. Could you drop her? If she is in the next season, I am not watching.
Love Pickle! She is so humble and sweet, not to mention a badass. The show is entertaining. Of course, it is staged, otherwise, why would they catch the snakes by hand instead of a fork on a pole?! Or catch them alive, to begin with?! They are worth the same, dead or alive! It wouldn't be very exciting if they just shot the snakes, would it?
Love Pickle! She is so humble and sweet, not to mention a badass. The show is entertaining. Of course, it is staged, otherwise, why would they catch the snakes by hand instead of a fork on a pole?! Or catch them alive, to begin with?! They are worth the same, dead or alive! It wouldn't be very exciting if they just shot the snakes, would it?
- vartanianclare
- May 1, 2024
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- dawnrlewis-17774
- May 16, 2024
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I really enjoy Troy, his Sons and the base gator swamp people. But, Zack is such a crybaby. He screams like a child at the simplest things. And when it came to grabbing the snakes he constantly tried to pass the grab to someone else. Nevertheless, the show is fun to watch. I hope that they decide to bring more of the original swamp people on the serpent show and a whole series of episodes with just Troy's family would be pretty cool. Having Willie on the serpent show would be really interesting since he does a lot of snake grabbing on the original show. I would bet he would really be diving into wrestling those serpents.
Not sure about the snake catcher's intelligence, or lack thereof. The whole show is catching one snake after another. That's it! Pretty boring really. For all know, it could be the same snake over and over. Why not? Who would know? At least they could wear some protective clothing and stop telling their buddy to "Watch out! Be careful." Duh! Pretty obvious dialog. Not sure if that's part of a written script or just snake catchers being snake catchers.
So there's really no plot or story line. Just go head out into the everglades, look for and catch snakes. Don't get bit, put snake in bag, go home.
So there's really no plot or story line. Just go head out into the everglades, look for and catch snakes. Don't get bit, put snake in bag, go home.
- gordonb-59587
- Jan 7, 2023
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Really enjoy them hunting the pythons and realize how these invasive snakes are destroying the ecosystem. Tess and Bill are great along with Bruce, Troy, Pickle, Rusty and Zach. I wish they would take more episodes and have more hunters if necessary. The show is very interesting . The show needs to be promoted more . History Channel doesn't promote this show as much as they should. Told several friends and they have started Watching the previous seasons and love it. New season starts tonight and looking forward to aee how many pythons they catch this season. Hope this show will continue for many seasons more.
- kingjoseph-22585
- Feb 15, 2024
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