Although gimmicky at times, and full of unneeded "beating of the dead horse" examples of how horrible the human race can be, this film actually has a very interesting message. What would happen if the United States did not have a military presence overseas? Then one begins to see that in the last 100 years, the Unites States has not "invaded" another country without it explicitly being related to the fact the supreme leader of that region was directly responsible for genocide.
Rather or not the film was well done, it got the message across to me clear as day. As a human race in the 20th century, will we tolerate the possibility of genocide happening at any place at any given time? If the answer is no, then we simply cannot leave any of these countries until they themselves are capable of not letting that happen again. If your answer is yes, then the entire United States deficit problem would be completely taken care of in 8-10 years. As selfish as I may be sometimes, I myself am going to have to side with absolutely no genocide tolerated anywhere. We are beyond that as a species, and that simply cannot be tolerated in any way. How that train of thought ever escaped my thought process, well it beats me.