Released in conjunction with the start of the 1946 football season, the short highlights various games from the 1945 season, and then takes a brief glimpse at some of the outstanding players... Read allReleased in conjunction with the start of the 1946 football season, the short highlights various games from the 1945 season, and then takes a brief glimpse at some of the outstanding players and coaches from the past fifteen years, including "Slingin' Sammy" Baugh, and the Touchd... Read allReleased in conjunction with the start of the 1946 football season, the short highlights various games from the 1945 season, and then takes a brief glimpse at some of the outstanding players and coaches from the past fifteen years, including "Slingin' Sammy" Baugh, and the Touchdown Twins from Army, Glenn Davis and "Doc' Blanchard.