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Girl meets girl, etc.
Red-1259 November 2010
Eloïse's Lover, originally entitled Eloïse (2009) was directed by Jesús Garay. It is listed as a film in Spanish, but it's actually in Catalan, the language of the region that includes Barcelona.

This movie is, unfortunately, a pretty stereotypic lesbian love story. A young college student is more or less engaged to a fine young man, but she's clearly not in love with him. She meets an intriguing and beautiful lesbian woman, and the rest of the film is fairly predictable. We know from the outset that the young student is in the hospital in a coma, but we don't know whether or not she will recover. That's the biggest suspense of the plot.

Still, the movie has its good points. Both Diana Gómez as Àsia (the young student) and Ariadna Cabrol as Eloïse (the out lesbian) are very beautiful. It was interesting to get multiple shots of the university in Barcelona, and it's rare to find a film in Catalan in Upstate New York.

In my opinion, this isn't a film that you must see, but it's worth watching if it's readily available. It will work well on DVD, if that's an option. We saw it at Rochester's Little Theatre, as part of the wonderful ImageOut:The Rochester Lesbian and Gay Film Festival.
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Enjoyable, if not wholly fulfilling
I_Ailurophile23 May 2021
The obvious thrust of the narrative is toward a central lesbian romance, plainly seen even in film posters, and queer representation that is welcome. But 'Eloïse's lover' also endeavors to present a more complete narrative all the while, with a progression toward that relationship that feels more natural, compared to other pictures one could name.

One can't help but feel that the premise, as described anywhere that one may read it or see it depicted, is a bit misleading. Before we know it half the runtime has passed, then two-thirds, then still more, and the plot has advanced so slowly - in every regard - that it almost feels to have gone nowhere. 'Eloïse's lover' wants to be seen as championing a romance between its leads, while also making it feel organic - yet by the time it begins to meaningfully bear fruit, the picture is near its very end. There's a sense that, as the saying goes, this movie wants to have its cake and eat it, too.

This is much more about the narrative as a whole, the tale of a young woman coming to learn what she wants of life, and to that end the story being told is engrossing and poignant. The ending is sharp and biting, made ever more so by the love Àsia (Diana Gómez) and Eloïse (Ariadna Cabrol) share - and the forces that have worked against them all along, not least of all some despicable displays of homophobia. There is an artfulness to director Jesús Garay's arrangement of shots that one does not anticipate in such a feature, a bent that bolsters a flow that tends to feel a bit lacking.

'Eloïse's lover' is not entirely fulfilling, but it's an engaging feature all the same, with swell performances from stars Gómez and Cabrol, and worth checking out if you're generally inclined.
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Some major flaws...
henraphael17 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The movie has some ideas. The protagonists' psychologies are quite simple and straightforward. The two actresses do a decent job, and overall the plot is quite decently structured. The character of the girl's mother is not really believable though (they should have taken an older, more angry-looking actress!). The major flaw of the movie, though, is in the editing: the images of some scenes seem to be patched together like a Picasso painting (speaking of Spain!). They would have required some more accurate editing. Much more importantly, I am firmly convinced that in the end, Asia is not dead: at the beginning of the movie we hear her say "Eloise, I dreamed I died". The scene where she is hit by a car is therefore part of the dream (which explains the absurdly cold reaction of Asia's boyfriend when she's hit!). With the final scene of the two girls leaving together, then, we get back to reality. The different light used in the final scene aims at underlining that we are on a different plan than the rest of the movie, which is (entirely? or in part?) a dream. This is my interpretation of the finale, but if it's correct, it is not well communicated at all to the viewer!

p.s.: the movie is not in Spanish, as somebody wrote: it's in Catalan, what a nice language!
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Worth seeing at least
lazarillo4 October 2015
This Catalan-Spanish teen lesbian movie very much anticipates the later Cannes-winning French film "Blue is the Warmest Color". Like the later film, it is about a sexually confused girl in her late teens who becomes involved with an older female artist who is much more of a committed lesbian. This results here though in tragedy as the heroine begins the movie in a coma after an accident and the rest of the movie is told in flashbacks.

In America movies like this are called "gay interest", which implies--unfortunately accurately in many cases--that they may not hold much interest for anyone else who is NOT female and gay. But then again, many lesbians might justifiably scoff at some other "lesbian" movies like "Room in Rome" which seem a lot more interested in hot girl-on-girl action than in seriously portraying believable lesbian relationships. Even "Blue is the Warmest Color" fell victim to this latter criticism by people who couldn't see beyond the 15 minutes of hot sex scenes to consider the REST of the three-hour long movie. This film though is more immune to that criticism since there is really only one graphic lesbian scene near the end of the movie, long after most horny frat-boy types would have lost interest. Most of the movie is fairly believable if somewhat pedestrian female romance. The best scene by far is the startlingly filmed night swimming scene where the lovers break into the university pool after hours. This scene is so beautifully filmed and lit, you perhaps won't question why they turned on all these lights if they weren't supposed to be in the pool. This scene really transcends the rest of the movie and eventually returns later as a metaphoric image for the heroine's deep and perhaps irreversible coma.

The coma plot is perhaps a little melodramatic and reminiscent of trite Hollywood crap like "If I Stay", but that is perhaps an unfair criticism since this movie came out years earlier. Despite the melodrama though, this is not nearly as dramatically compelling as "Blue is the Warmest Color" (and is also only about half the length). Diana Gomez, as the young university student, and Ariadna Cabrol, as the older artist, are both muy pretty girls with beautiful bodies even if they're not nearly as strong of actresses as Adele Exarchopolous and Lea Seydoux in "Blue" (but they also both have a lot more nude scenes than than Chloe Moretz in "If I Stay"). Some individual scenes are very impressive, but the movie as a whole is bit slight and rather cliché. But it also matters what you choose to compare it to. It is worth seeing at least.
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Trying to understand this movie ending
ravenslibano19 December 2020
I just need help understanding the last scene of the ending of the this movie is asia dead and the scene of her with Eloise is like an imaginary end that they end up together
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Youngster Gets In Touch With Her Feelings.
rmax30482319 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Not a badly done story of a young university student, Asia, attracted to and then running off with a Bohemian girl, Eloise, though I had a few problems with it.

First of all, I happen to be rather quick at language and have been studying Spanish assiduously for ten years. I'm already on Lesson Two, "How To Find Your Way Around The Airport." Yet, I could hardly understand a word of this really el freako dialect. Okay, okay. It was shot in Cataluna. (I don't have that little diacritical mark for the "n".) I finally figured out it was shot in Spain because they pronounce "sais" as "shay". But --"D'accord" means, "Sure"? That's FRENCH! That aside, the film kept my interest. Asia is the pale, innocent, slightly shapeless, thoughtful and ordinary young lady. She has a casual boyfriend, Nat, who is an easy-going sort of guy who gets bored at the ballet. It's hard to see why he would. The ballet is no "Swan Lake" but some challenging stuff involving gymnastics out of Pilotes taking place among half-filled bottles of Evian water. Something like that. Weird, but hardly boring.

The tickets were given to Asia by Eloise, an artist of her own age for whom Asia is modeling. Eloise is different from Asia. She's a pariah at the university. She's dark, a little feral, with large, expressive, hypnotic eyes and plump sensual lips. The other girls gossip about her, giggle, call her a lesbian.

In fact, it turns out she pretty much is. Without really setting out to do so, she begins introducing Asia to the immoral life -- drinking at a gay bar, posing nude, and the next thing they're in the sack. When Asia wakes up she feels dirty. And then Asia's uptight mother begins to sense what's going on and there is a heated confrontation. Asia backslides for a while before realizing she must follow her bliss, then she runs off with Eloise and her own mother's doubtful blessings. Unless Asia dies first and the ending is a wistful dream -- I couldn't quite make it out.

It's always interesting to watch movies made outside of the English-speaking world. They broaden the mind. Mostly they broaden it by demonstrating the many parallels between the lives of these exotics and our own. Those stupid electric alarm clocks sound as irritating in Barcelona as they do in Keokuk, Iowa -- three high-pitched urgent beeps separated by a short space. In Morse Code, they're crying S -- S -- S. Beyond that, it's sometime amazing how closely the management of conflicts resemble each other across cultures.

Asia's mother, for instance, is a snoop, like many mothers, and paws through her daughter's personal effects until she uncovers evidence of the unholy alliance. She waits up all night for Asia to return from her date. But instead of confronting her, she gives Asia an expensive present, a formal dress, which she will wear when she next goes to the ballet -- WITH NAT. It's a sensitive and unspoken way or urging her daughter to return to the comforting folds of heterosexuality.

But I do have some problems with it. They're not necessarily serious ones but they are obvious. Example: Asia gets stoned and wanders into the ladies' room. She looks into the mirror, takes out her lipstick, and draws a mustache under her nose. It's a good idea because it illustrates Asia's confusion over her gender identity. But the scene is stupidly shot by the director. He has Asia stare not at her own image but at an angle, into the camera lens, so that when the mustache is complete the underestimated viewer can grasp what's going on. That clumsy mistake lancinates much of the good will that the movie has built up.

It's only partially compensated for by some other shots. One is a lengthy shot of Asia talking to Nat on the phone. The conversation ends on an ambiguous note, after which she hangs up, takes the phone out into the hall, and calls Eloise, while the camera lingers in the first room and we can only listen to Asia and Eloise, like the eavesdroppers we are. A less imaginative director would have done the expected and simply cut to Asia in the hallway. Instead, the conversation is as hidden from us as it is from society.

I like the way women look. They're beautiful. Not moreso than men but in a different way. Even with less than perfect figures they suggest a voluptuous grace. Men, with their hairy angularity, suggest strength.

In this case, when the musculature is stripped off, when the endoskeleton is laid bare, it's familiar territory -- tentative and unfulfilled woman finds release through the realization of her own sexuality. It's like "Emmanuelle," a search for the perfect orgasm if that orgasm had emotional overtones. "The Graduate" is a more grounded example, "Belle de Jour" more sophisticated. So it's a genre movie, but as this genre goes, it's involving enough. There is, by the way, considerable nudity but only one scene that's at all explicit.
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OK but flawed
kyokyopuffs27 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
*** This review may contain spoilers ***

Look I love lesbian films, being one myself, but I am very tired of this plot. This film contains nothing original. It's not a happy 'coming out' film by any stretch of the imagination. With quotes like "It made me feel dirty" and "that's disgusting" when referring to lesbian sexuality - my enthusiasm waned a tad.

The other main flaw of this film is the poor editing. Some scenes just don't fit, and are completely out of context. Especially the ending. She's dead right?

The film does have some good qualities, mostly the two main leads, but its poor fodder for any type of film goer. If you want sad traumatic lesbian film - go see a classic like "The Killing of Sister George" or "The Fox".
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Incredible movie
wildyuru21 November 2015
I am not a lesbian, or even a female, but I found the movie to be poignantly thrilling. I think far too much is made of ... what? Novelty? I recall a passage in the George Orwell's book Nineteen-Eighty-four in which on one tryst Winston observes a peasant woman hanging out laundry and singing an old ditty that women must have sung for millenniums. Some things need to be re-experienced again and again. Love is Mount Fuji, described by thousands of Haiku poets and still begging to be once more described. Critics don't seem to know this. That's why the book and movie Love Story made the critics look like the insulated stuffed shirts they are. Eloise's Lover presents first love in a heart-wrenching, soul- searching, suspense-loaded manner that artists should all emulate. The flashback technique in the movie kept my mind and emotions on edge. I could not sleep for several nights wondering what if ....
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Like the idea, but misses the mark
Jvigil-555-54974114 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Lots to like about this movie. The women are beautiful. Love the Catalan language and Barcelona scenery. I liked the main character Asia, and the free spirited Eloise.

I thought the ending however was overly dramatic. I also thought Asia's reaction to her first experience with Eloise was 30 years in the past. Appropriate for those of my generation perhaps but young people now are much more sexually open.

I would have liked more about her relationship with her father and her overbearing, manipulative mother.

The movie was superficially pleasing but ultimately lacking in much body or substance. It needed another layer of complexity with the main characters. I would watch it again, if only for the women and to hear Catalan in a movie.
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pancarikodewaner29 September 2019
This film is a kind of something you will watch again and again. Because in this film the end, is really the end. This film ends beautifully. Makes you want to watch again and again. My analogy is, this film is like a small and very sharp knife, and also smeared with sedative so that it won't hurt you, at least me. ^_^ I won't spoil anything. This is not a film to make you feel happy. This film is all about watching how happy the character Asia. How happy she had been, in the end, how happy she was. Since i like to see something beatiful, in the end i feel happy. You'll understand when you've watched this!!
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A Little Too Choppy...
s-janmaat14 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Although the basic premise of this movie sounds appealing, having watched this film I felt that it was yet another stereotypical movie. A young girl, Asia, meets and becomes intrigued with Eloise. They begin with friendship, which leads to more. However, she is involved in a car accident (the story is delivered in a series of flashes, back and forth between past and present, very convoluted) and in the end, actually dies.

It was a rather nicely done movie, but honestly, that she died in the end, I saw it coming a mile away. It's a movie that I would assume would have been made in the early 90s, the outcome being so typical. What, she couldn't have just found happiness with another woman? She had to die? Pathetic.

The acting was quite good, except for the actor who played Nat. Honestly, if your girlfriend was hit by a car, would you casually walk over to her? I think not. Maybe that was just poor directing, but honestly the guy was pretty bad.

4 out of ten for this movie, the outcome was pretty shocking. The flashing back and forth all the time made it hard to keep track of what was going on. And the end, Asia and Eloise getting on a bus and driving off into the sunset? Yea, Asia's dead. That ending wasn't going to happen and it was like a teaser as if to say 'Ha, ha, this is what could have happened'

I really wouldn't recommend this movie at all.
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What a sweet young lesbian love story with a very sad ending
countymd10 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It is a GREAT MOVIE, very sweet, touching, and tender. Both lead actresses are young students in university. Asia is an architecture student and has a steady boyfriend, Nathaniel. Eloise, who studies arts, left Asia a strong impression when they first met. Eloise portrayed herself as a strong and confident and out lesbian. Asia modeled for Eloise's paintings. Throughout the whole process, they fell in love. Eloise seemed to really touch Asia's heart through her paintings and awoke Asia to search herself deeply. They just connected!! Initially, Asia was ashamed of herself for falling for Eloise but she finally was able to face and accept her true self. It was very real stating young lesbian's confusion when they realize they are who they are and can't be changed!! However, Asia's mom disapproved!! Asia chose Eloise but got hit by the car and died!! The ending was extremely sad!! Asia dreamed she could run away with Eloise on the bus. Their love making was very tender and sensual. These two actresses are gorgeous and very attractive with a lot of chemistry together. They are very believable as lovers. Both are very young with lots of talents. Although the movie did send out the message to encourage parents accept their gay/lesbian children being who they are otherwise it usually ends badly. The sad outcome of Asia's death is still too overwhelming. I wish the ending could have been different. Asia could come out of the coma and her mom would have understood Asia's happiness should outweigh her own social perception. Overall, the movie is pretty realistic in describing the difficulties young gay/lesbians have to go through and fight to come out of the closet, to accept themselves and to be accepted!! I strongly recommend this movie. It was outstanding!! Very well written, well directed, and well acted. The music was so soft and soothing. The whole movie just flows, not a dull moment. It was Really beautiful and amazing. Love this movie!!
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8/10 Pretty lesbian
angiemaragon14 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not lesbian but i did like watched the movie 4x. and i loved it although i didn't really get it why Asia died and at the end they were (Asia & Eloise) in the bus for a trip or something? Was it all Asia's dream that in the end it was just a dream and that they both happily together? The first scene was Asia saying that she dreamt she's dying but Eloise replied "don't worry" and it's like it's over... So i guess maybe it needs another part 2 of it to make clarity or assurance that they were on together😀 because i really like Diana Gomez and Ariadna Cabrol's acting except for Nathaniel who is just walking to the rescue while the girlfruend was hit by a car😀😀 This movie need Part two... just saying By the way i like the soundtrack i loved it!!
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